Nov 28- Dec 2

5th-grade families,

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving break!! It’s hard to believe we are almost into December and in full swing of the holiday season. 

Since our cold temperatures have arrived the large winter coats have arrived as well so please remember if your student doesn’t absolutely need a backpack we ask that they not bring one to school, we are so limited on space. Also as a friendly reminder, please have your students keep cell phones, Pokemon cards, other trading cards, games, and other items that can be a distraction at home.  Students are not allowed to bring those items to recess or to lunch so there is no need for them to carry them to school at all. Thank you so much for your help with this!

This week in math we are moving into fractions, and the time of the year when you may find your child asking for pizza more than normal since pizza is my go-to fraction. I bring it up at least 10 times a day… I’m even hungry by the end of the lesson!

 As for ELA, we will be moving into Unit 3, week 1, and discussing what kinds of experiences can lead to new discoveries. Learning about open syllables and summarizing. 

Remember we have our field trip this Thursday!

Have a great week and as always please message me with any concerns you may have.

 Thank you, Mrs. Robinson

Monday (November 28th)

·  9:20 am             Computer Science

·  12:20 pm           P.E.

·  2:25 pm             Math Specials

Tuesday (November 29th)

·  8:00 am            Math tutoring 

·  2:25 pm             Writing with Mrs. Young

·  3:20 pm       Release time

Wednesday (November 30th)

·  9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M

·  12:20 pm     P.E.

·  2:25 pm       Science with Ms. Hales

·  3:20 pm       Release time

Thursday (December 1st)

·  8:00 am       Math tutoring


·  3:20 pm       Release time

Friday (December 2nd) *ANGEL TREE DRESS DOWN DAY*

·  9:20 am           Math “show what you know”

·  11:30 am           ELA “show what you know”  

·  1:20 pm            Early release

Mark your calendar:

1 December- Field Trip to Hogle Zoo

2 December- Angel Tree Dress Down

3 December- Reindeer Run

16 December- Dollar Dress Down

19-30 December- Christmas Break

13 January- No School

17-20- January Middle of the Year (MOY) acadience testing

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