December 2-9

5th-grade families,

Welcome to another exciting week! I can’t believe we are only 2 weeks from the holiday break. I hope everyone was able to get the word about the 2-hour delay last week, if you are not receiving the messages from school please let me know and I can see how I can help! 

I told your child today they are welcome to wear snow boots in and change into other shoes if they choose, I am trying to keep them from having wet socks throughout the day. They won’t be able to leave shoes at the school, but they are welcome to bring in another pair for the day. 

Our class holiday party will be Friday, 16 December so expect a permission slip to go out this week. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you, Mrs. Robinson

Bitmoji Image

Monday (December 5th)

9:20 am       Computer Science

12:20 pm     P.E.

2:25 pm       Math Specials

Tuesday (December 6th)

8:00 am      Math tutoring 

2:25 pm      Writing with Mrs. Young

3:20 pm      Release time

Wednesday (December 7th)

9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M

12:20 pm     P.E.

2:25 pm       Science with Ms. Hales

3:20 pm       Release time

Thursday (December 8th)

8:00 am       Math tutoring

9:20 am Library

2:25 pm Social Studies

3:20 pm       Release time

Friday (December 9th) 

9:20 am           Math “show what you know”

11:30 am          ELA “show what you know”  

1:20 pm            Early release

Mark your calendar:

16 December Class Holiday Party

16 December Dollar Dress Down

19-30 December Christmas Break

13 January No School

17-20 January Middle of the Year (MOY) acadience testing

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