Jan 9th-Jan 13th

5th-grade families,

Last week was GREAT!! Not only did I hear all the fun things my students got to do over the holiday break, but I also had the chance to watch them THRIVE in math! My students put their whole hearts into the lesson this week and as a “classroom family” we averaged a score of 87%! I remind my students, all I can ever ask for is their very best effort and they showed me that potential this past week. High fives and “yesssss sir!!!” “yesssss ma’am!!!” are locked into my teaching highlight reel for this year!  
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I fully plan for another amazing week and just a reminder it is a short week,  Friday is a teacher work day but no school for your student. It is also a 4 day weekend for your child because we are off Monday (January 16th) to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day (ask your student what they learned about Martin Luther King Jr. from their ELA assessment on Friday, hopefully, they can give you some great facts). 

We are starting our Middle of the Year (MOY) Diagnostic testing this week. That means during ELA and Math this week, they will be taking the IReady diagnostic testing to see how they have improved from the first part of the year to now and to make sure they are being challenged in the lessons they are learning in IReady. That does mean the students will spend a bit more time on computers this week, so if your student uses blue lens glasses they may want to bring them this week. I do make sure they get plenty of breaks but it is more than usual. Also, a good working pair of headphones, check with your child to make sure theirs are still in working order. 

This is also the last week of the 2nd Quarter, grades will be finalized by Friday evening. Feel free to contact me with any questions. 

Thank you as always for your support,
Mrs. Robinson

Monday (January 9th)
9:20 am    Computer Science
12:20 pm  P.E.
2:25 pm    Math Specials

Tuesday (January 10th)
8:00 am    Math tutoring 
2:25 pm    Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm    Release time

 Wednesday (January 11th)
9:20 am    S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm  P.E.
2:25 pm    Science with Ms. Hales
3:20 pm    Release time

 Thursday (January 12th)
8:00 am    Math tutoring
9:20 am    Library
2:25 pm    Social Studies
3:20 pm    Release time

 Friday (January 13th) 
                   No School (Legislative Day)

 Mark your calendar:
January 16, 2023        No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 17, 2023        3rd Quarter begins
January 17-20, 2023  Middle of the Year acadience testing
February 1-2, 2023     Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 3, 2023        No School (Legislative Day)
February 20, 2023      4th Quarter begins

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