Jan 17-20

5th-grade families,

 I hope everyone enjoyed their 4-day weekend! I was so proud of my amazing students last week, we showed some great progress and improvement in our Middle of the Year (MoY) testing. This week your student will take the MoY acadience (Reading assessment), and I can’t wait to see how proud they get of themselves when they finish! They have worked so hard!

We are back into our lessons this week, for math it’s multiplying fractions in word problems and ELA we will be discussing and reading about how things happened in the past, learning about irregular verbs and mastering our opinion writing. 

Please be on the lookout for the sign-up sheet for parent-teacher conferences to come out later this week and as always please reach out to me with any and all questions. 

Thank you as always for your support,
Mrs. Robinson

Monday (January 16th)
No School-MLK Jr. Day

Tuesday (January 17th)
8:00 am     Math tutoring 
2:25 pm     Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm     Release time

 Wednesday (January 18th)
9:20 am     S.T.E.E.M
10:00 am   Fremont High Theater performers visit Quest
12:20 pm   P.E.
2:25 pm     Science with Ms. Hales
3:20 pm    Release time

Thursday (January 19th)
8:00 am    Math tutoring
9:20 am    Library
2:25 pm    Social Studies
3:20 pm   Release time

 Friday (January 20th) 
8:30 am    ELA/Math Assessments
1:20 pm    Release time

Mark your calendar:
February 1-2, 2023 Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 3, 2023, No School (Legislative Day)
February 20, 2023, 4th Quarter begins

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