Feb 20-24

5th-grade families,

Welcome to another fantastic week! 

We have gone through most of our classroom supplies already this year, if you were not able to donate to the classroom supply fund ($25) at the beginning of the year but would like to donate now it would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be dropped off to Ms. Stephanie or Ms. Heidi in the Q1 office or online at the Quest website under registration fees or by clicking the link below.


 We are most in need of Clorox wipes, tissues, and black expo markers. 

This week in math we are doing Rise Benchmark Testing, these tests will cover what we have learned about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.  This will not be for a grade, but it will give us good practice and information as we prepare for end-of-year state tests. If you have any questions at all feel free to let me know!

In ELA we are into Unit 4 week 4 and reading and discussing Natural Resources. Please ensure your students are reading for at least 20 minutes each evening. 

Please feel free to contact me with any and all concerns. 

Thank you,
Mrs. Robinson

Monday (Feb 20th)
No School

Tuesday (Feb 21st)
8:00 am      Math tutoring
2:25 pm Math Specials
3:20 pm      Release time

Wednesday (Feb 22nd)
9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm     P.E.
2:25 pm       Science
3:20 pm       Release time

 Thursday (Feb 23rd)
8:00 am       Math tutoring
9:20 am       Library
2:25 pm        Social Studies
3:20 pm       Release time

 Friday (Feb 24th) *Dollar Dress Down Day
9:20 am           Math “show what you know”
11:30 am          ELA “show what you know”
1:20 pm            Early release

 Mark your calendar:
March 20, 2023 4th Quarter begins
April 3-7, 2023 Spring Break

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