Feb 27- Mar 3

5th-grade families,

On Tuesday, March 7th, we are going on a field trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah. Please sign the permission slip as soon as possible! If you would like to volunteer as a chaperone, please also indicate that on the form and you will be notified if you are a lucky winner. We are excited about this opportunity!

Next Friday, March 3rd, there is a Daddy-Daughter Dance being held at the school. A Mother-Son Dance will follow on Friday, March 10th. The flyers and more details for these fun events are posted below!

Next Friday is also the deadline for Student Council applications. I have extra paper packets if anyone needs them. If your student is interested, they will need to also complete the Google form application in our Google classroom in addition to the paper packet. I’m cheering for them!

Also next Friday, in celebration of Dr. Suess’s birthday, students are invited to either dress as a Dr. Suess character or wear a Dr. Suess-themed shirt.

Finally, please make sure your student has returned their maturation permission slip.  This instruction will be held on March 24th in the lunchroom, from 8:40-9:40 am for girls and 9:45-10:45 am for boys. We would love for you to please attend with your child wherever possible.

Next week we will be studying (and hopefully writing some of our own) poetry while asking the question, “How do you express that something is important to you?” We will also be learning about converting measurements in math. In science, we are continuing our study of Earth’s systems and engineering solutions to lessen the impact of natural disasters.

Please feel free to contact me with any and all concerns. 

Thank you, 
Mrs. Robinson

 Mark your calendar:
March 3, 2023.       Daddy-Daughter Dance
March 3, 2023.       Dr. Suess-themed day
March 7, 2023.       Field Trip 
March 10, 2023.     Mother-Son Dance
March 20, 2023.    4th Quarter begins
April 3-7, 2023.      Spring Break

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