January 1-5

Families, I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season! I just can’t believe we are about halfway through the school year and already into 2024. I will spend some time with my class discussing setting academic goals for this upcoming year and plans to achieve those goals. I’m looking forward to catching up with them!

Note that Middle of the Year (MOY) acadience testing will start on 16 January. Ensure your students read for 20 minutes each day during the break. They have been working so hard, and I can’t wait to see how much they have improved since the beginning of the year.

We are off school Monday, 1 January, and will start fresh and ready to go Tuesday! In math, we are continuing to work with multiplying fractions. In ELA, we will start a new unit (Unit 4) and discuss and read about what people can do to bring about positive change.

Dates to note:

  • 1 Jan-     No school (New Year’s Day)
  • 15 Jan-   No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
  • 26 Jan-  Dollar Dress Down
  • 31 Jan-   Parent-Teacher conferences and Early-out (1:10) 
  • 1 Feb-     Parent-Teacher conferences and Early-out (1:10)
  • 2 Feb-    No School-Teacher Work Day

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