Jan 24-28

It’s so hard to believe we are already into the 3rd quarter! We certainly do not slow down, but please let me know if your student expresses feeling overwhelmed. I hope each of my students feels that they could always come to me to express their concerns but in the event they don’t please do not hesitate to reach out to me. This week in Math we are starting on multiplication by a fraction (lesson 19), the PDF below shows an activity you can do with your student to assist at home with their understanding of multiplying fractions. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

We have had a number of students absent over the past few weeks and it certainly is expected that you would keep your students home if they are not feeling well, but please let me know if they will be out more than a day.

Also as a reminder, Fridays are assessment days if your student is not sick please make sure they are at school. Because of our busy schedule, those that miss assessments on Fridays have to make up those assessments throughout the next week. The occasionally missed Friday can be easily made up but those that miss Fridays on a regular basis can fall behind very quickly, and I absolutely hate to see them that overwhelmed.

What we are in need of: Lysol/Clorox wipes, fine tip black expo markers, hand sanitizer

As I am trying to make every effort to keep our classroom smelling like the inside of a Lysol wipes container (and that clean as well), we are running low on Lysol wipes so if you have the opportunity to pick some up for the classroom it would be greatly appreciated.

We can always use hand sanitizer, the large containers that I can refill the small containers with are great but I certainly am not picky!

Expo markers are the “missing sock” of a classroom! We don’t know where they go but we hope they are happy. We are in need of fine tip black dry erase expo markers 🙂

Again thank you for your continued support!

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