Thanksgiving Point field trip-March 16


The fifth grade is scheduled to go on a field trip to Thanksgiving Point on Wednesday, March 16th. We will be gone for the entire school day. Students will need to bring a sack lunch from home. If you have already paid the $30 donation earlier in the school year, this field trip was included in that. If not, we are asking for a donation of $3 per student and a required $6 per chaperone. Per Thanksgiving Point’s policy, siblings are not allowed. The donation is optional. However, if we do not have enough money donated, we will be unable to go to the Junction at the end of the year. For this field trip, we will be taking the Frontrunner from the Roy station to the Lehi station. Students need to be at the Roy station by 8:00am to leave on the 8:16am train. They will need to be picked up at the Roy station at 2:45 pm from the 2:46 train. Thanksgiving Point requires that we have an adult chaperone for every four students. We are hopeful that we will have plenty of parent volunteers to chaperone for this field trip. If we do not, we will be unable to go. Please complete the form to indicate if your child will be attending the field trip and whether or not you are able to volunteer.

Please complete the below permission slip:

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