August 22-26


We had such a great first few days! I loved getting to know your student and I just know this is going to be a great year. This week we will complete our beginning of the year diagnostics and Dibels testing. Please send your student with a pair of headphones (they were not supplied, with the $25 supply fee) I had mentioned I prefer the earbuds because they are smaller and fit better in their desks, but their comfort is the most important! We wear them a lot and earbuds can be bothersome for some students. I want them as comfortable as possible. We will start our first math and ELA lessons this week, so please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

If you haven’t done so, please pay your $25 supply fee.

Monday (August 22)

  • 9:20 am           Computer Science
  • 12:20 pm         P.E.
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Tuesday (August 23)

  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Wednesday (August 24)

  • 9:20 am           STEEM (What used to be character development)
  • 12:20 pm         P.E.
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Thursday (August 25)

  • 9:20 am           Library
  • 1:20 pm           Release time ***Early out***

Friday (April 29)

  • No school        (Teacher work day)

**Mark your calendar**

Picture day-Tuesday, (30 August). I will send the picture form as soon as I receive it.

No School-Labor day, Monday (5 September)

thank you
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