October 3-7

5th-grade families,

It’s hard to believe we are into October already and Fall break is next week! Please make sure to send your student prepared for those colder mornings. I will send out a Parent-Teacher Conference sign-up sheet this week, so please grab a slot that works best for you and I’m thrilled to be able to spend that time talking with you about your amazing student.

In math this week, we are rounding with decimals and ELA we are starting a new Unit and answering the question “What do good problem solvers do?”. It’s going to be another great week!

Thank you,

Mrs. Robinson

Monday (October 3rd)

  • 9:20 am             Computer Science
  • 12:20 pm           P.E.
  • 2:25 pm            Math Specials

Tuesday (October 4th)

  • 8:00 am            Math tutoring  
  • 2:25 pm            Writing with Mrs. Young
  • 3:20 pm       Release time

Wednesday (October 5th) **PICTURE RETAKES**

  • 9:20 am           S.T.E.E.M
  • 12:20 pm         P.E.
  • 2:25 pm           Science with Ms. Hales
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Thursday (October 6th)

  • 8:00 am           Math tutoring
  • 9:20 am           Library
  • 2:25 pm           Social Studies with Mrs. Shaw
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Friday (October 7th)

  • 9:20 am          Math “show what you know”
  • 11:30 am        ELA “show what you know”  
  • 1:20 pm          Early release

**Mark your Calendars**

October 12-14, 2022  –           FALL BREAK 😊

October 26-27, 2022  –           Parent-Teacher conferences (Release time 1:20)

October 31, 2022        –           Class Halloween party (Release time at 1:20)

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