October 17-21

5th-grade families,

I hope everyone enjoyed their Fall break, I’m looking forward to hearing all the stories! I can’t thank my amazing 5th-grade families enough for the smooth evacuation drill last week, we did amazing! It isn’t easy for a group of 5th graders to sit in silence for what ended up being about 20 minutes, but my class was amazing! I mistakenly told them they were welcome to awkwardly stare at me the entire time and their little hearts accepted the challenge, we did make the best out of the situation, and having us finish that drill with smiles while still understanding the importance of that drill was a goal, we absolutely achieved.

As for this week, we are tackling 2 math lessons Lesson 10 has us adding decimals (2.314 + 1.652 = 3.966) and lesson 11 has us subtracting them (2.314 – 1.652 = 0.662) we will focus on lining up the decimals and just honing in on those adding and subtracting skills. For ELA we are answering the question “What does it take to put a plan into action?” and making predictions to help compare and contrast different elements of a story. Please see the attachment below for more information.

Monday (October 17th)

  • 9:20                 Computer Science
  • 12:20               P.E.
  • 2:25                 Math Specials

Tuesday (October 18th)

  • 8:00                 Math tutoring  
  • 2:25                 Writing with Mrs. Young
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Wednesday (October 19th)

  • 9:20 am           S.T.E.E.M
  • 12:20 pm         P.E.
  • 2:25 pm           Science with Ms. Hales
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Thursday (October 20th)

  • 8:00 am           Math tutoring
  • 9:20 am           Library
  • 2:25 pm           Social Studies with Mrs. Shaw
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Friday (October 21st)

  • 9:20                 Math “show what you know”
  • 11:30               ELA “show what you know”  
  • 1:20                 Early release

***In case you missed it ***

Our Cookie Dough Pick Up will take place on Tuesday, October 18, 1:00-5:00 pm in the Q1 building. This date has been changed from the original pick up date of October 17. We are unable to hold any cookie orders after this date, so if you are unable to pick up your order, please arrange for a family member or friend to do so. We are asking for a number of volunteers to help us that day. You will find the sign up on our volunteer page. 

The Scholastic Book Fair will be held October 24-28. We depend on the help of many volunteers to make this successful. Please visit our volunteer page to sign up. 

Our Say Boo to the Flu immunization clinic will be held on October 26, 4:00-7:00 pm in the Q1 library. Feel free to spread the word to family and friends. Anyone is welcome to participate.

We have a substantial collection of lost water bottles in our Q1 lunch room. If your student is missing one, please have them check as soon as possible. We will be discarding any not claimed at Thanksgiving break.

Our NJHS will be hosting our annual Canned Food Drive from October 17th – 27th . We partner with Besst Realty group for this service project. Canned donations will be accepted all week long, but we will be having optional dress down days on the 21st and 27th, which require 5 cans each for the dress down option.

There is no school for students on October 28th . This is a professional development day for


Parent Teacher Conferences are October 26th – 27th . These are early out days for everyone, with conferences held from 4-8 pm both days.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Robinson

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