January 2-6, 2023

5th-grade families,

What a great break! I hope everyone had a great holiday, I certainly have missed my 5th graders and I can’t wait to hear how their time off went.

Please feel free to contact me with any and all concerns. 

Thank you, Mrs. Robinson

happy 2023 balloons

Monday (January 2nd)
9:20 am       Computer Science
12:20 pm     P.E.
2:25 pm       Math Specials
3:20 pm       Release time

Tuesday (January 3rd)
8:00 am      Math tutoring 
2:25 pm      Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm      Release time

 Wednesday ( January 4th)
9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm     P.E.
2:25 pm       Science with Ms. Hales
3:20 pm       Release time

 Thursday ( January 5th)
8:00 am       Math tutoring
9:20 am        Library
2:25 pm        Social Studies
3:20 pm       Release time

 Friday ( January 6th) 
9:20 am           Math “show what you know”
11:30 am          ELA “show what you know”  
1:20 pm            Early release

 Mark your calendar:
January 13.          No School (Legislative Day)
January 16.          No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 17.          3rd Quarter begins
January 17-20.    Middle of the Year acadience testing
February 1-2.       Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 3.          No School (Legislative Day)
February 20.        4th Quarter begins

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