March 20-24

5th-grade families,

Welcome to the 4th Quarter!

It’s so hard to believe just how fast this year has gone! This Tuesday (March 21) students are encouraged to wear mismatched socks to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Also, this Friday is the 5th-grade maturation in the Q1 cafeteria. Girls will meet from 8:40-9:40 am and boys will meet from 9:45-10:40 am. Parents are welcome and encouraged to please attend! If you still need to, please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible. 

This week in math, we will learn about analyzing patterns and relationships as well as learning ways to describe how two number patterns are related. In ELA, we are starting our final unit and considering the question, “How do shared experiences help people to adapt to change?”. 

Thank you for your support,
Mrs. Robinson

 Mark your calendar:
March 20, 2023      4th Quarter begins
March 21, 2023       World Down Syndrome Day
March 31, 2023      Dollar Dress Down
April 3-7, 2023        Spring Break
May 25, 2023           Early Out

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