Feb 20-24

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Feb 13-17

5th-grade families,

Don’t forget to sign the Valentine’s Day permission slip if you haven’t already! We will be having our class party Tuesday from 1:15-3:20. 

Permission slip-Valentine’s Day

Please feel free to contact me with any and all concerns. 

Thank you, Mrs. Robinson
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Monday (Feb 13th)
9:20 am       Computer Science
12:20 pm     P.E.
2:25 pm       Math Specials

Tuesday (Feb 14th) *Valentine’s Day*
8:00 am      Math tutoring 
1:10-3:20    Valentine’s party
3:20 pm      Release time

 Wednesday (Feb 15th)
9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm     P.E.
2:25 pm       Science 
3:20 pm       Release time

 Thursday (Feb 16th)
8:00 am       Math tutoring
9:20 am       Library
2:25 pm       Social Studies
3:20 pm       Release time

 Friday (Feb 17th) 
9:20 am           Math “show what you know”
11:30 am          ELA “show what you know”  
1:20 pm            Early release

 Mark your calendar:
February 20, 2023      No School (Washington and Lincoln Day)
February 24, 2023      Dollar Dress Down
March 20, 2023          4th Quarter begins
April 3-7, 2023            Spring Break

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Jan 30-Feb 3

5th-grade families,

It’s Parent-Teacher Conference week! There are still sign-ups available, please let me know if you are having any issues signing up. A reminder this week Wednesday, and Thursday (Feb 1 & 2) have early dismissal at 1:20pm and no school on Friday (3 Feb-teacher work day). Also, there will be no math tutoring on Thursday. 

In Math this week, we are finishing up our lesson on dividing fractions and starting to learn to add fractions with unlike denominators. Please reach out if your student is expressing any concerns with math. In ELA we are beginning Unit 4, reading and learning about Tall Tales and how visualizing can help us when we read. 

Thank you as always for your support,
Mrs. Robinson

Monday (January 30th)
9:00 am Computer Science
12:20 pm P.E.
2:25 pm Math Specials
3:20 pm Release time

Tuesday (January 31st)
8:00 am Math tutoring 
2:25 pm Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm Release time

Wednesday (February 1st)
9:20 am S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm P.E.
1:20 pm Release time

Thursday (February 2nd)
9:20 am Library
1:20 pm Release time
Friday (February 3rd)
No School *Teacher work day
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Jan 23-27

5th-grade families, 

Welcome to another fantastic week! The sign-up sheet for next week’s PTC’s should be in your email, please let me know if you are having any issues signing up. Make sure to mark your calendar for Dollar Dress Down this Friday. Next week, Wednesday and Thursday (Feb 1 & 2) are early dismissals at 1:20, and no school on Friday (3 Feb-teacher work day). 

ELA this week we are completing our Unit 3 “Show what you know” and for math, we dividing fractions! Be sure to ask your student to explain “Keep, change, Flip”! 

Thank you as always for your support,

Mrs. Robinson

Monday (January 23rd)
9:00 am Computer Science
12:20 pm P.E.
2:25 pm Math Specials
3:20 pm Release time

Tuesday (January 24th)
8:00 am Math tutoring 
2:25 pm Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm Release time

 Wednesday (January 25th)
9:20 am S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm P.E.
2:25 pm Science with Ms. Hales
3:20 pm Release time

Thursday (January 26th)
8:00 am Math tutoring
9:20 am Library
2:25 pm Social Studies
3:20 pm Release time

Friday (January 27th) **Dollar Dress Down**
8:30 am ELA/Math Assessments
1:20 pm Release time

 Mark your calendar:

January 27, 2023
Dollar Dress Down
February 1-2, 2023 Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 3, 2023 No School (Legislative Day)
February 20, 2023 4th Quarter begins

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Jan 17-20

5th-grade families,

 I hope everyone enjoyed their 4-day weekend! I was so proud of my amazing students last week, we showed some great progress and improvement in our Middle of the Year (MoY) testing. This week your student will take the MoY acadience (Reading assessment), and I can’t wait to see how proud they get of themselves when they finish! They have worked so hard!

We are back into our lessons this week, for math it’s multiplying fractions in word problems and ELA we will be discussing and reading about how things happened in the past, learning about irregular verbs and mastering our opinion writing. 

Please be on the lookout for the sign-up sheet for parent-teacher conferences to come out later this week and as always please reach out to me with any and all questions. 

Thank you as always for your support,
Mrs. Robinson

Monday (January 16th)
No School-MLK Jr. Day

Tuesday (January 17th)
8:00 am     Math tutoring 
2:25 pm     Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm     Release time

 Wednesday (January 18th)
9:20 am     S.T.E.E.M
10:00 am   Fremont High Theater performers visit Quest
12:20 pm   P.E.
2:25 pm     Science with Ms. Hales
3:20 pm    Release time

Thursday (January 19th)
8:00 am    Math tutoring
9:20 am    Library
2:25 pm    Social Studies
3:20 pm   Release time

 Friday (January 20th) 
8:30 am    ELA/Math Assessments
1:20 pm    Release time

Mark your calendar:
February 1-2, 2023 Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 3, 2023, No School (Legislative Day)
February 20, 2023, 4th Quarter begins

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Jan 9th-Jan 13th

5th-grade families,

Last week was GREAT!! Not only did I hear all the fun things my students got to do over the holiday break, but I also had the chance to watch them THRIVE in math! My students put their whole hearts into the lesson this week and as a “classroom family” we averaged a score of 87%! I remind my students, all I can ever ask for is their very best effort and they showed me that potential this past week. High fives and “yesssss sir!!!” “yesssss ma’am!!!” are locked into my teaching highlight reel for this year!  
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I fully plan for another amazing week and just a reminder it is a short week,  Friday is a teacher work day but no school for your student. It is also a 4 day weekend for your child because we are off Monday (January 16th) to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day (ask your student what they learned about Martin Luther King Jr. from their ELA assessment on Friday, hopefully, they can give you some great facts). 

We are starting our Middle of the Year (MOY) Diagnostic testing this week. That means during ELA and Math this week, they will be taking the IReady diagnostic testing to see how they have improved from the first part of the year to now and to make sure they are being challenged in the lessons they are learning in IReady. That does mean the students will spend a bit more time on computers this week, so if your student uses blue lens glasses they may want to bring them this week. I do make sure they get plenty of breaks but it is more than usual. Also, a good working pair of headphones, check with your child to make sure theirs are still in working order. 

This is also the last week of the 2nd Quarter, grades will be finalized by Friday evening. Feel free to contact me with any questions. 

Thank you as always for your support,
Mrs. Robinson

Monday (January 9th)
9:20 am    Computer Science
12:20 pm  P.E.
2:25 pm    Math Specials

Tuesday (January 10th)
8:00 am    Math tutoring 
2:25 pm    Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm    Release time

 Wednesday (January 11th)
9:20 am    S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm  P.E.
2:25 pm    Science with Ms. Hales
3:20 pm    Release time

 Thursday (January 12th)
8:00 am    Math tutoring
9:20 am    Library
2:25 pm    Social Studies
3:20 pm    Release time

 Friday (January 13th) 
                   No School (Legislative Day)

 Mark your calendar:
January 16, 2023        No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 17, 2023        3rd Quarter begins
January 17-20, 2023  Middle of the Year acadience testing
February 1-2, 2023     Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 3, 2023        No School (Legislative Day)
February 20, 2023      4th Quarter begins

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January 2-6, 2023

5th-grade families,

What a great break! I hope everyone had a great holiday, I certainly have missed my 5th graders and I can’t wait to hear how their time off went.

Please feel free to contact me with any and all concerns. 

Thank you, Mrs. Robinson

happy 2023 balloons

Monday (January 2nd)
9:20 am       Computer Science
12:20 pm     P.E.
2:25 pm       Math Specials
3:20 pm       Release time

Tuesday (January 3rd)
8:00 am      Math tutoring 
2:25 pm      Writing with Mrs. Young
3:20 pm      Release time

 Wednesday ( January 4th)
9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M
12:20 pm     P.E.
2:25 pm       Science with Ms. Hales
3:20 pm       Release time

 Thursday ( January 5th)
8:00 am       Math tutoring
9:20 am        Library
2:25 pm        Social Studies
3:20 pm       Release time

 Friday ( January 6th) 
9:20 am           Math “show what you know”
11:30 am          ELA “show what you know”  
1:20 pm            Early release

 Mark your calendar:
January 13.          No School (Legislative Day)
January 16.          No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 17.          3rd Quarter begins
January 17-20.    Middle of the Year acadience testing
February 1-2.       Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 3.          No School (Legislative Day)
February 20.        4th Quarter begins

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In case you missed it…

Quest families,

If you are planning to have your current student(s) return to Quest Academy for the 2023-2024 school year, and have not yet completed the registration, the deadline has passed and you are currently at risk of losing a position for the upcoming school year. If you would like your student(s) to retain a position at Quest Academy, please follow the instructions below to complete the registration before January 2, 2023

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Stephanie Wray at swray@questac.org.

**If you have already completed the registration for your current student(s), you may disregard this message**

Please use a laptop or desktop computer to complete the registration. Our Aspire program does not always work well from a mobile device.

You will log into your Aspire parent portal HERE, or from our website under CURRENT FAMILIES, and register under the existing student ID. Please do not click on the blue box for a NEW student. You will want to click on the green or orange box (see below). 

Once you log into your Aspire parent portal, you will select each of your current students individually by clicking on the box with their name. That will take you to their student Summary page. Once in the student Summary page, you will see a “registration link” such as the one below, located to the right of your student’s name.

After you click on the registration link, please: 

  • Review the Enrollment Information and update or change any information needed. Please note: At least one Emergency Contact is required for each student outside of the Custodial Contacts.
  • Review the Welcome Letter
  • Review each of the 12 agreements and electronically sign when prompted

When you have finished reviewing/signing, you will be taken to the final page where you will see the word “Complete” in green next to each of the agreements. If you see “Incomplete” in red next to any of the agreements, please review and complete that portion of the registration.

If you are not planning to have your student return to Quest for the 2023-24 school year, please contact the school.

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to enroll an additional child (sibling) you will do so during our New Student Enrollment beginning January 3, 2023. 

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Yearbook Cover Contest

In case you missed it…

Notification from: Quest Academy

Quest families,

The time has come for us to select a yearbook cover for our 2022-23 elementary yearbook. We will be holding a Yearbook Cover Contest to select two students whose artwork will be featured on the front and back cover of the yearbook. Each entry must be on a white 8 ½ X 11” paper, and include their first and last name. We will be looking for entries that represent what Quest is. 

Entries are due by Friday, December 16, at 8:30 am. 

Feel free to respond here, or call the school with any questions. 

Thank you, and happy drawing!

Stephanie Wray

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December 2-9

5th-grade families,

Welcome to another exciting week! I can’t believe we are only 2 weeks from the holiday break. I hope everyone was able to get the word about the 2-hour delay last week, if you are not receiving the messages from school please let me know and I can see how I can help! 

I told your child today they are welcome to wear snow boots in and change into other shoes if they choose, I am trying to keep them from having wet socks throughout the day. They won’t be able to leave shoes at the school, but they are welcome to bring in another pair for the day. 

Our class holiday party will be Friday, 16 December so expect a permission slip to go out this week. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you, Mrs. Robinson

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Monday (December 5th)

9:20 am       Computer Science

12:20 pm     P.E.

2:25 pm       Math Specials

Tuesday (December 6th)

8:00 am      Math tutoring 

2:25 pm      Writing with Mrs. Young

3:20 pm      Release time

Wednesday (December 7th)

9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M

12:20 pm     P.E.

2:25 pm       Science with Ms. Hales

3:20 pm       Release time

Thursday (December 8th)

8:00 am       Math tutoring

9:20 am Library

2:25 pm Social Studies

3:20 pm       Release time

Friday (December 9th) 

9:20 am           Math “show what you know”

11:30 am          ELA “show what you know”  

1:20 pm            Early release

Mark your calendar:

16 December Class Holiday Party

16 December Dollar Dress Down

19-30 December Christmas Break

13 January No School

17-20 January Middle of the Year (MOY) acadience testing

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