
Pumpkin 71-  Please help your student answer the Question of the Week on our blog.  Each student will have an opportunity to post a question throughout this school year.

– WEDNESDAY: Wear Uniform
   Math Homework due
   Early out 1:00pm

3- FALL BREAK- No School
   Thursday and Friday this week 

4- Conferences–  Thursday, Oct 29 

Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops & Campbell’s labels

6- Keep working on your moon watchers journal.

Our Class Halloween Party is Friday, October 30 at 11:30am.  We are requesting a $1-$2 donation to help pay for sugar cookies and supplies to decorate the cookies.  You may pay at the Q1 office or online: Quest Online Payments  (please enter the amount of your choice in the OTHER box).

If your child is allergic to sugar cookies, frosting, decorating candies, etc., please arrange to have your child bring a treat for themselves on the day of our Halloween party in lieu of providing a donation.  Thank you!

If you have not completed the online permission form please do so now: Halloween Party FOOD PERMISSION FORM

Our Scholastic Book Order is due October 23rd.  Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books.  Last month we earned a set of leveled non-fiction books!  And books are great Christmas gifts.  If you are ordering books for a gift let me know and I will allow you to come pick them up in the classroom so they can remain a surprise. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N7NLJScholastic Book Club
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