Happy Birthday Monserrat!

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Happy Birthday Jaycee!

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This Week’s Schedule and Happenings

  • Monday- Tuesday, October 14-15: Early Out and Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Monday- Tuesday, October 14-15: Scholastic Book Fair
  • Tuesday, October 15: Say Boo to the Flu 3:00-7:00 pm in the Q1 library
  • Wednesday-Friday, October 16-18: Fall Break NO SCHOOL
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Afternoon Snacks

Thank you to everyone who has donated food for our afternoon snacks.

Our supply has been depleted and we are in need of additional healthy snacks such as; granola bars, applesauce pouches, fish crackers, fruit snacks, cheese sticks, pretzels, etc.

You can bring your donations to the classroom or drop them off at the Q1 office.

Thank you

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Trick or Treat Trot

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Weekly Reminders


1- THURSDAYS: Send library books, classroom book(s), and take-home folders to school (please remove keep at home papers)

2 FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:10pm
*Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).

3- We invite you to come help in our classroom, sign up here: Classroom volunteers

4-  To help in your Halloween costume selections, here are a few Quest Costume Guidelines:
Costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Students may paint their faces or wear masks. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.

5- Scholastic Book Order.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N7NLJ: Scholastic Book Club

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday-Tuesday, October 14-15: EARLY OUT and Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Wednesday-Friday, October 16-18: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
  • Tuesday, October 22: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky Delivered
  • Saturday, October 26: Graveyard Gallop and Trick or Treat Trot
  • Wednesday, October 30: Child Abuse Prevention Presentation 11:30-12:00
  • Thursday, October 31: Early Out and Halloween Parade & Party
  • Friday, November 1: NO SCHOOL

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Halloween Party and Safety Presentation

We are excited for the school Halloween parade and our Kindergarten Halloween party on Thursday, October 31. Please note this will be an early out day (1:10pm). We ask that you complete the fall permission form at the end of this email for your child at your earliest convenience.

The fall permission form also includes a question about attending the safety training on October 30. 

In accordance with Law 53G-9-207, Kindergarten students will be receiving body safety and child abuse prevention training on October 30, 2024. We have chosen to use Prevent Child Abuse Utah (PCAU) to provide these trainings.

Presentations will take place in each individual classroom, and will teach students how to recognize, resist and report all forms of child abuse, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. The presentations utilize a combination of class discussion, visual aids, books and interactive games in order to teach students safety skills. The curriculum is designed to empower and encourage students to speak up when they feel unsafe, and seek out trusted adults with whom they can discuss potential problems. The curriculum is graduated by grade level and is age appropriate. Younger students (K-2) are taught basic concepts that focus on teaching students to listen to their “uh-oh” feeling and seek out help from trusted adults.

PCAU’s curriculum is approved by the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah Department of Human Services.  If you would like to review the presentation, there is a printed copy at the front office of Q1. You are welcome to request it from the office to read there.

Parents are invited to sit in on presentations if they would like. Our classroom’s presentation will take place from 11:30-12:00 in our portable. 

Please complete the Fall Permission Form for our Halloween Party and Safety Presentation at your earliest convenience: Fall Permission Form

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Weekly Reminders


**Watch for Wonders Unit 1 to come home today in your child’s backpack. This workbook contains stories we have practiced reading in class. We invite you to have your child read these stories to you at home. In addition, talk with your child about the work they have completed throughout this unit.**

1- THURSDAYS: Send library books and take-home folders to school (please remove keep at home papers)

2 FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:10pm
*Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).

3- Scholastic Book Order. Books make great gifts. Share this link and our class code with grandparents, family and friends. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N7NLJScholastic Book Club You can also try Scholastic’s “Book Finder” for ideas on books for your child.

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday-Tuesday, October 14-15: EARLY OUT and Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Wednesday-Friday, October 16-18: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
  • Tuesday, October 22: Cookie Dough and Beef Jerky Delivered
  • Thursday, October 31: Early Out and Halloween Parade & Party
  • October 31: Scholastic Book Orders Due
  • Friday, November 1: NO SCHOOL

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Volunteer Opportunities

We invite you into our classroom to help us with reading and math centers. Click here to sign up for a date(s)/time(s) that work best for your schedule: Classroom volunteers

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What we are learning:

We are now beginning Unit 2 in Language Arts. Below are the power words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. We will continue working on syllables, rhyming, identifying the beginning and ending sounds of words, and writing our name (with correct upper-case/lower-case letter formations).

In math we are writing our numbers 0-10, counting to 20, and comparing greater than and less than within 10. We enjoy passing standards on our Kindergarten math game boards and counting our 100% stars from our iReady lessons.

And in science we have just completed our unit about the sun and how it warms the earth’s surface. We will now begin exploring storms and severe weather! We will learn how to prepare for storms and stay safe. We will also practice making predictions about storms.

Wonders Unit 2

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