Library books DUE
Tower of Book Challenge
Homework due
Spelling and sort test
Popcorn Fundraiser 1st delivery
3- Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.
4- Scholastic Book Order due December 7th. Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books. And books are great Christmas gifts. If you are ordering books for a gift let me know and I will allow you to come pick them up in the classroom so they can remain a surprise. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N7NLJ: Scholastic Book Club
5- Please complete your Moon Watcher Journal if you haven’t already. Click here for more information: Moon watchers journal.
6- Please continue to bring in cardboard tubes for next week’s STEM challenge.
7- Shopping on Amazon? You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details: Amazon