
bee1- MONDAY is Picture day.  Please wear your school uniform and a SMILE 🙂  Remember to bring your picture order form. You can pay online at: Bell Photographers.  The password is: questacad2016)

2- ZOO FIELD TRIP, September 6.  Please pay your $4.00 donation  in the office and complete the online permission form.  Zoo Permission Form

 3- No Homework this week, but we strongly encourage you to establish a 20 minute daily reading routine.

4-  Return blue folders daily.  This is an opportunity for your student to practice being responsible.  

5- We will be administering several beginning year assessments this week.  It is important that your student is in class, everyday, all day.  You can help them be successful by providing a good, healthy breakfast and lots of sleep.

6-  Thank you for taking the time to complete our online documents!  We hope this has been a positive experience for you.  If you have not yet completed the following, please do so now:
Class Disclosure:  Read and Review form
Getting to know your child:  My Student Questionnaire
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