Ogden Nature Center

Ezri shared her pet dog, Smeegle, with our class. We learned that he enjoys playing with Ezri, he loves doggy treats, and he can do fun tricks. Thanks for sharing, Smeegle the beagle, with us!

We also had a special visit from the Ogden Nature Center. We saw an endangered Utah desert tortoise, Laser. He is about 30 years old, likes eating cactus flowers, and can store LOTS of water in his body. We learned that Western Screech Owls really make a sound of a falling ping pong ball rather than screeching sounds. They are silent when they fly and they hunt with their eyes and ears. Our final visitor was an American Kestrel, which is the smallest falcon. Amos is 4 years old, eats mice, and flies very fast. Thanks for your contributions this year to our field trips. Your donations made it possible for Ogden Nature Center to come and share these amazing animals with us!

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