Nutcracker Ballet Field Trip

the-nutcracker-bannerOur Nutcracker Ballet Field Trip is nearly here, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th.  Here are a few reminders:

1-  We are still accepting field trips donations at the Q1 office, suggested donation $10.00 for the school year.  We greatly appreciate anything that you can donate for our field trips.  Thank you for your generosity!  

2- Wear school uniform with RED shirt. 

3- Bring a cold sack lunch from home. (Unless you pre-ordered a school sack lunch-Markus, Noah, Lalea, Stephen, Julie, Matthew, Caden).

4- Parent chaperones (Matthew, Aiden, Lalea, Kennedy): If your status has changed, please let us know ASAP.  Arrive at the school by 11am. If you have not yet, please pay $3 for your ticket to the Q1 office.
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