Homework (Jan. 22-26)

Homework this week is due on Friday, January 26:

Math Homework:  
  • Worksheets: Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! 
  • Word Problems: (No fluency this week)                                                                      Students have been working on reading story problems for understanding.  We have been looking for key words in story problems for hints (“in all” usually means add, “how many more” means to subtract, etc.  See below). Please help them read the problems, but let them figure out if the problem is an addition or subtraction problem.  They can act it out, draw a picture, draw a part/part/whole chart, or anything that helps them to visualize what is going on in the story. Feel free to give hints, but let them try to figure it out.  Make sure they write down the number sentence used to solve the problem and not just the answer. To help spread out the work, they could work on 2-3 problems each night.  PLEASE DO EACH PROBLEM.    


1- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Blue Homework folders at the beginning of the week). 

2- Reading 20 minutes per day.  Reading comprehension strategy: 
Help your child retell a story in order using the words firstnextthen, and last.

3- Spelling /Phonics:   
This week’s phonics sound is long a spelled ai and ay, as in pain and stay.

Phonics Spelling List: 

Review words:

High Frequency Words

**If your child is absent please have them complete a Waterford session and do a few activities on Wonders. The activities on Wonders are connected to our daily lessons. Thank you.  
Click here to access Waterford: Waterford
Click here to access Wonders: Wonders
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