Valentine’s Party Permission Form


We will be celebrating Valentine’s on Friday, February 14th  8:30-10:00 am

Students are able to bring a store-bought treat/candy for their peers on Valentine’s Day. These treats will be sent home to be consumed under parent supervision. Please complete the following form to indicate if you give permission or not for your child to receive Valentine treats from other students and to participate in our class party. Valentine Party Permission and Treat Acceptance Form

Valentine’s Helpful Hints:
1- We have 22 students in our class.
2- Only write who the Valentine is FROM. Do NOT address Valentine’s to each student (this will help the students distribute their Valentine’s in a more orderly manner).
3- We will be making Valentine’s bags (and providing the supplies to do so) in class for the students to collect their Valentine’s. No need to make a Valentine’s box this year.

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