Author Archives: lisa.teichert
Addition Strategy Timings (March 16-22)
Keep up the good work on your addition facts! The following is a list of the strategy each student should be practicing this week: Near DoublesBostonEmmaEllaPeytonMake a TenKyleeAlexAbigailIzabellaKendallDevonEvelyne Colter9’sRileyBrittanyTristenSamanthaMacieJakKalebKolbyLeftoversMasonAidenMixedJedKobySubtractionBrooklyn
Addition Strategy Timings (March 9-15)
Keep up the good work on your addition facts! The following is a list of the strategy each student should be practicing this week: DoublesEllaNear DoublesBostonEvelyneEmmaColterPeytonMake a TenKyleeBrittanySamanthaAlexAbigailMacieIzabellaKendallKalebDevon9’sRileyTristenJakKolbyAidenLeftoversJedMasonMixedKobySubtractionBrooklyn
Addition Strategy Timings (March 1-7)
Keep up the good work on your addition facts! The following is a list of the strategy each student should be practicing this week: 2’sEllaDoublesBostonEmmaPeytonNear DoublesKyleeBrittanySamanthaAbigailMacieIzabellaKendallEvelyneColterMake a TenTristenAlexKalebDevon9’sMasonRileyJakKolbyAidenLeftoversJedMixedBrooklynKoby
Addition Strategies Timings (Feb. 24-March 1)
Keep up the good work on your addition facts! The following is a list of the strategy each student should be practicing this week: 2’sEllaDoublesBostonEmmaPeytonNear DoublesKyleeBrittanySamanthaAbigailMacieIzabellaKendallKalebEvelyneColterMake a TenMasonRileyTristenAlexJakDevonAiden9’sKolbyLeftoversJedKobyMixedBrooklynSubtractionAlexandria
Addition Strategy Timings (Feb. 16-23)
Keep up the good work on your addition facts! The following is a list of the strategy each student should be practicing this week: 2’sEllaDoublesBostonEmmaPeytonNear DoublesMasonKyleeRileyBrittanyTristenSamanthaAlexAbigailMacieIzabellaKendallJakKalebDevonAidenEvelyneColter9’sJedKolbyLeftoversBrooklynKobySubtractionAlexandria
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Addition Strategy Timings (Feb. 10-16)
Keep up the good work on your addition facts! The following is a list of the strategy each student should be practicing this week: 2’sEllaPeytonDoublesBostonEmmaNear DoublesMasonKyleeRileyBrittanyTristenSamanthaAlexAbigailMacieIzabellaKendallJakKalebDevonAidenEvelyneColterMake a TenKolby9’sJedBrooklynKobyMixed (Includes ALL the addition math facts randomly mixed)Alexandria
100th Day of School
Students grouped their items in different ways to get to 100. We saw items grouped in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 20’s and 25’s Digital collage created with Smilebox
Addition Strategy Timings (Feb. 3-9)
Keep up the good work on your addition facts! The following is a list of the strategy each student should be practicing this week: 2’sBostonEllaPeytonDoublesDevonEmmaNear DoublesMasonKyleeRileyBrittanyTristenSamanthaAlexAbigailMacieIzabellaKendallJakKalebKolbyAidenEvelyneColterMake a TenJed9’sBrooklynKobyLeftoversAlexandria
1st Grade Engineers: Check out our Marshmallow Mansions!
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