Author Archives: ronda.hills
After school pick up procedures
We are excited to offer pick-up for our All-day and PM Kindergarteners AND their siblings at the back of the school. This will help alleviate congestion in the front of the school and keep our kindergarteners under close supervision. Please … Continue reading
Back to School Night
Looking forward to seeing each of you 😉
POQA Newsletter
Click here for complete newsletter: February Newsletter
Winter Break Reading Challenge
Don’t forget to read 20+ minutes every day for your chance to win an Electric Scooter in the Christmas Break Reading Challenge! Here is the link to print the Tracking Calendar if you would like to use it: Christmas Reading Calendar.pdf
Thanksgiving Feast
During school on Friday, November 20 we will be eating school lunch (it’s FREE ;). Please complete the following permission form by Monday, November 16. Thanksgiving feast permission form