Author Archives: ronda.hills
Weekly Reminders
1- THURSDAYS: Send library books, classroom book(s), and take-home folders to school (please remove keep at home papers)2- FRIDAY: Early Out 1:10pm$1.00 dress down. (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms). … Continue reading
Yearbooks on sale now!
We have partnered with Lifetouch for our yearbooks, all yearbook purchases will be made through their link HERE. (Elementary – Yearbook ID: 15110625) Our class will participate on yearbook signing day, generally the day before the last day of school.
This Week’s Schedule and Happenings
Monday- Tuesday, October 14-15: Early Out and Parent Teacher ConferencesMonday- Tuesday, October 14-15: Scholastic Book FairTuesday, October 15: Say Boo to the Flu 3:00-7:00 pm in the Q1 libraryWednesday-Friday, October 16-18: Fall Break NO SCHOOL
Afternoon Snacks
Thank you to everyone who has donated food for our afternoon snacks. Our supply has been depleted and we are in need of additional healthy snacks such as; granola bars, applesauce pouches, fish crackers, fruit snacks, cheese sticks, pretzels, etc. … Continue reading
Weekly Reminders
1- THURSDAYS: Send library books, classroom book(s), and take-home folders to school (please remove keep at home papers) 2– FRIDAY: Early Out 1:10pm*Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants). 3- We … Continue reading
Halloween Party and Safety Presentation
We are excited for the school Halloween parade and our Kindergarten Halloween party on Thursday, October 31. Please note this will be an early out day (1:10pm). We ask that you complete the fall permission form at the end of … Continue reading
Weekly Reminders
**Watch for Wonders Unit 1 to come home today in your child’s backpack. This workbook contains stories we have practiced reading in class. We invite you to have your child read these stories to you at home. In addition, talk … Continue reading