Category Archives: Uncategorized

3rd Quarter Grades Are In!

Assignments, homework, and tests have all been updated in the gradebook and ready to view!  Please login and check your student’s scores.Click on this link to log in: Aspire Grade book (SIS)Please look for Math Data Pages coming home next week in … Continue reading

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Report Cards and SEP FormsStudents will be bringing home their 2nd quarter Report Cards, SEP forms and Math Data Pages on Tuesday, January 17.  There are some wonderful grades coming home to be proud of!  Please look for them in … Continue reading

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Thanks for making our Winter Celebration a success! Have a wonderful, safe break with your families!

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Basket Drawings- Winners announced on December 15th


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We’re About to See a Record-Breaking Supermoon!

You won’t regret looking for the moon this coming Sunday for your Moon Journal because we’re about to see a record-breaking supermoon! The moon will rise in the east on Sunday, November 13 at 5:04 PM and set in the west on … Continue reading

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STEM: Pumpkin Push

For our STEM challenge this month, students worked as a team to design something with two planks and two chairs to make a medium sized pumpkin go the farthest with just one push.  They measured the distance with yarn and then … Continue reading

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Homework Help for Math

For lesson 8 in math, students used Hundreds charts to help them figure out what ten more and ten less is. You may have your child look at this chart to help them. They can also draw how many groups of ten … Continue reading

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1st Grade Club

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Soil Sleuths

Look at these super scientists and their great observation skills!  Students sorted soil into different categories today.  They found small rocks and lots of organic matter like worms, grass and roots.  Next week, we are going to investigate further and … Continue reading

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Great First Week!

We are quickly learning what amazing and kind students we have in our class!  It’s exciting to get to know them better and can’t wait to watch them continue to grow and learn.  Thanks so much for sharing them with … Continue reading

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