Category Archives: Uncategorized

Homework (March 16-19)

End of term testing this week, Monday-Thursday.  Please have your student get plenty of rest and eat a good breakfast each day.Homework this week is due on Thursday, March 19:1- Math Homework:Keep practicing your math facts!  Parents:  Please click on the “Math Fact … Continue reading

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Homework (March 9-13)

Homework this week is due on Friday, March 13:1- Math Homework:Keep practicing your math facts!  Parents:  Please click on the “Math Fact Recording Sheet” below and record your child’s minutes as part of their homework.  (If you have forgotten to do this … Continue reading

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Looking Ahead: Opera Paint Day

April 10th is our Paint Day and we will need some LARGE pieces of CARDBOARD for the scenery of our OPERA.  If anybody has access to such big pieces of cardboard, we would appreciate if you could obtain and hold onto … Continue reading

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Friendly Reminder: Remember to Check Blue Folders

This is just a friendly reminder to please check your child’s blue folder nightly.  There are several folders that are growing fat with papers that can stay at home and papers that need to be seen by parents. As you and … Continue reading

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Library Day

This week our school library is holding a contest to see which class can turn in all their library books.  Please help our class win the prize by returning books on our Thursday library day.  Thanks!

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Math Games

Our next door “neighbors” did a kind service for our class by teaching us some math games.  We had a great time!  Thank you Mrs. Cashin’s class!  We are so happy to have such kind neighbors 🙂

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Weekly Homework (March 2-6)

Homework this week is due on Friday, March 6:1- Math Homework:Keep practicing your math facts!  Parents:  Please click on the “Math Fact Recording Sheet” below and record your child’s minutes as part of their homework.  (If you have forgotten to do this … Continue reading

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2014-2015 Yearbooks

Quest Academy Elementary School yearbook order forms were sent home with your student this week.  Reduced price is available before March 6th for $14.  After March 6th the price is $16.00.  You may pay by check or cash in the … Continue reading

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Magic Show!

Elley’s Grandpa, Mr. Hamilton, shared an amazing magic show for our class.  We couldn’t believe our eyes!!  Thank you, Mr. Hamilton!  It was definitely a highlight of our week 🙂

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