Category Archives: Uncategorized

Schedule Overview

Tuesday, August 31: Picture Day Thursday, September 2: Bring take-home folders to school Friday, September 3: Early Out Monday, September 6: Labor Day-No School

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School Lunch Count

To help our lunch count go smoothly for our first two days of Kindergarten, please fill out the lunch count form on the link below. After this week, students will let us know what they are having for lunch at … Continue reading

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Volunteer Hours

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Dress Down Days

Dress Down days are listed below. Students are welcome to pre-pay $7 or donate a $1 each time. Note: October and May are FREE dress down days. And December dress down day is not included in the pre-pay donation.

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Box Tops

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After school pick up procedures

We are excited to offer pick-up for our All-day and PM Kindergarteners AND their siblings at the back of the school. This will help alleviate congestion in the front of the school and keep our kindergarteners under close supervision. Please … Continue reading

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Back to School Night

Looking forward to seeing each of you 😉

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Or click this link to view: Celebration video

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