Breakfast/Lunch Service

Parents, please read the following information regarding breakfast/lunch service:

  • Breakfast will be served in the Q1 cafeteria. The cost will be $0.40 for students who qualify for the reduced price and $1.50 for full pay students.
  • Lunch will also be served in the Q1 cafeteria. The cost will be $0.40 for students who qualify for the reduced price and $2.00 for full pay students.
  • Please note that this year, meals are no longer free to all students. If you wish to apply for free/reduced meals, you may do so through your parental Aspire account.

It is essential that students have their ID badges with them every day, as they will need to scan their badge in breakfast and lunch lines. If a student mistakenly takes their badge home and forgets it the next day, we will have them contact you to bring it to the school.

If your child has allergies, please be sure to contact Madeline Chestnut, the Quest Kitchen Manager, at, so that she may document and make arrangements for any needed accommodations.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

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