March 13 – 17, 2023

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Hello Team,

Just a reminder that the 5th grade maturation program will be held Friday, March 24th in the Q1 cafeteria. Girls will meet from 8:40-9:40 am and boys will meet from 9:45-10:40 am. Parents are welcome and encouraged to please attend! If you haven’t yet, please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible.

This week math club (tutoring) will be held Tuesday morning at 8 am and Thursday after school until 3:45 pm. We will be learning all about evaluating, writing, and interpreting expressions in math and the order of operations. In ELA, we are starting our final unit and considering the question, “What experiences can change the way you see yourself and the world around you?”. We will also be finishing up our study of Earth’s features in science . We are certainly learning, growing, and working hard every day!

Thank you always for your support,

Mrs. Shaw


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