Last Week of School!

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Here we are! Can you believe it?

Please sign this end of year activities waiver for your student today! 

Our tentative schedule this week will be:

Make It Monday- 5th grade Memory Book, puzzles, team games, solar oven s’mores

We’ve Got Talent Tuesday- Special Guest Speaker Miss Weber County Savannah Lyle (4th and 5th grade combined assembly), Class Talent Show/Show & Tell- if your student would like to participate, please have them plan on sharing for 3-5 minutes. They may show a video of their talent (please email to me) or perform live (this could include singing, dancing, playing an instrument, their cheer routine, a soccer drill, solving a Rubix cube, Tae Kwon Do, a piece of art they created, a magic trick, a stand up comedy routine, teaching the class how to fold origami, etc.). Alternatively, they could share something special to them. Please keep in mind when helping them decide which talent/special item to share that this will take place just with our class and just in our classroom…it’s meant to be informal, fun, and a chance for them to celebrate one another.

Wacky Wednesday- Clean the classroom, cardio drumming, dance party with our class DJ, bounce houses, and popsicles

Thoughtful Thursday- School Talent Show 10-11 am, board games, thank you cards, EARLY OUT

Finally Friday- Yearbook Day, karaoke, EARLY OUT

What a joy it has been to be a part of your team and to get to know these absolutely amazing humans! I am so proud of each and every one of them and so very grateful for the privilege of being their 5th grade teacher. I can’t wait to see what they conquer next!

Thank you always,

Mrs. Shaw

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