March 11 – 15, 2024

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Hello Families,

Your students are working hard and I am so proud of the progress they are making! I hope they can keep shining bright, challenge themselves, and encourage their teammates along the way! Thank you for your support with take-home reading passages and math review homework as we begin to prepare for end of year testing. Please work with your student for a few brief minutes as needed on these topics and be sure to continue 20 minutes of reading everyday. It really does make a difference and consistency is key to their confidence!

This week, Math Club (tutoring) will be held Wednesday afternoon only immediately following school until 3:35 pm by invitation only please to best serve our teammates 🙂 Thank you again for your patience with my family emergency on Monday.

This week we will be working on making and interpreting line plots in math, analyzing argumentative text and citing specific details to support an author’s claims in ELA, and wrapping up our study of food webs and ecosystems in science. This week marks the end of 3rd term.

As you know, we will be having a lockdown drill this Thursday, March 14th, with the Weber County Sheriff’s office. I am choosing to focus on helping the students feel empowered by being prepared. Please contact the office or I if you have any questions regarding this drill.

This Friday, March 15th, is Spring Picture Day. Students are welcome to wear clothing of their choice for photos. Also, Friday evening from 6-8 pm is the POQA sponsored Daddy-Daughter Dance. The Mother-Son Dance will follow next Friday evening, March 22nd. Tickets for both events may be purchased in the office or by scanning the QR code below. Once again, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

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