April 29 – May 3, 2024

Hello again Families,

We’re on the countdown now! I am so proud of your students’ courage and hard work as they dig deep and prepare to show what they know!

A few updates:

So far we have raised $120 of our $500 class goal for a special 5th Grade Field Day at The Ogden Junction. Thank you for your generosity if you have already made a donation. Our overall grade level goal is $2000 total, so we still need your help to make this happen! We are asking for a minimum contribution of $20 per student. Donations can be made in the office or with the following link:  https://secureinstantpayments.com/sip/cart/event.php?EID=1468. We are trying to raise the money for this incredible opportunity by this Friday, May 3rd. If we are unable to meet our goal, please rest assured that any donations will be used towards another engaging field day activity for our 5th graders.

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign this permission slip regarding RISE Testing, food items for End of Year instructional activities, and a waiver for other End of Year activities. As a reminder, students may also bring one snack from home for themselves (they may not share with their friends) each day during RISE Testing if desired.

As you know, we will be doing iReady Diagnostic and Acadience Reading Testing this week. RISE Testing will follow beginning next week. Again, please make sure that your students have a functioning pair of headphones in class, that they are getting enough sleep at home, eating a good breakfast, coming to school on time, and staying at school for the whole day.

Please note that the last day of library will be Tuesday, May 7th. Please check with your student to ensure that all of their library books have been returned by that day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

Please mark your calendar:

  • May 8, 2024 RISE Testing begins
  • May 17, 2024 RISE Testing ends
  • May 20, 2024 Math/Science Olympiad
  • May 24, 2024 Last Day of School

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