May 13 – 17, 2024

Hello Families,

I’m so proud of our students’ hard work and determination, especially over the past week. Each and every one of them are giving their best effort, digging deep, and showing so much grit as they work through their RISE testing! Here are a few details and key dates you will want to make note of as we countdown to summer:

  • We are completing the second half of our RISE Testing this week. Please try to make sure students are at school and well rested. Thank you for your support!
  • Students will be working on a Biography Report and Speech in class this week. Each student has chosen a famous person who has had a positive influence and impact for good to research for this project and then to present in class in a wax museum on Wednesday morning, May 22nd. They should practice their speech (1 minute or less) at home over the weekend. On Monday, May 20th, students should bring their costumes for the wax museum to school. Please try to keep these simple! It is not necessary to spend money on an elaborate outfit. Look in closets at home and have students use their imagination to think of a way to adapt an outfit into a costume their famous person might have worn. Costumes will only be worn for the wax museum on the morning of May 22nd. Students are still required to wear their school uniform.
  • The Math/Science Olympiad will be held on Monday, May 20th, from 2:15-3:00 pm in the Q1 gym. If your student has been chosen to represent our class in the Olympiad, you will receive a separate email from me.
  • 5th grade Field Trip to The Ogden Junction – Tuesday, May 21st. Please see this form for more details, including lunch choices, and also be sure to fill out The Junction’s waiver here. Thank you to all of those who made this opportunity possible with your generous donations! Students will need to be dropped off at the Roy Frontrunner Station at 8:30 am and picked up there at 2:15 pm that day.
  • Wax Museum (in class) and Bounce Houses – Wednesday, May 22nd
  • School Talent Show – Thursday, May 23th, 9:50 am (Early out 1:20 pm)
  • Last Day of School (can you believe it?!) – Friday, May 24th (Early out 1:20 pm)

If you have any special things you would like me to write in/sign for the end of the year for your student, please let me know and I will be happy to do it. Please let me know if you have any questions. These kids are absolutely amazing! I love being their teacher!

Thank you always,
Mrs. Shaw

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