9/2 – 9/6/24


Hope everyone had a great long weekend! We’re jumping right back in!

This week in math we will master calculating the volume of rectangular prisms using the formulas volume=length x width x height and volume=area of the base x height. Students will test on this power standard on Friday. Tutoring sessions will be offered by invitation only beginning next week. If your child could benefit from this extra time, you will receive an email from me with more details.

In ELA, we will continue reading texts that focus on the question, “How can experiencing nature change the way you think about it?” I have encouraged the students to spend time outdoors reflecting on this question and enjoying fresh air and sunshine wherever possible.

In science, we are learning all about patterns in Earth’s features: exploring how earthquakes and volcanoes occur in bands that are often along the boundaries between continents and oceans while major mountain chains may be found inside continents or near their edges.

As a reminder, if you haven’t done so, please pay $30 for your student’s supplies in the office or online here. Thank you!

Looking forward to a great week,

Mrs. Shaw

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