End of February – March 1, 2024

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Hello! Hope everyone is enjoying their President’s Day! We’ve had a busy past few weeks, with more exciting things on the horizon.

Math tutoring will be held this Wednesday, February 21st, and next Monday, February 26th, only, immediately following school until 3:35 pm.

This Friday, February 23rd, is a Dollar-Dress Down Day. Please have your child bring a dollar unless you have already prepaid.

Next Wednesday, February 28th, is our field trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah. We are asking for a $5 donation for each student for this field trip. This can be paid at the office or online here. Please remember to pack a home lunch for your student unless you ordered a school lunch for them. If you would like to review the details of the field trip, they may be found on the permission slip here. Update from the museum: all lunches will be held in a designated space at the museum. No student backpacks are allowed in the museum exhibits. Students will wear their Quest school uniforms. Please make sure they are dressed appropriately for the weather. No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed on our field trip unless your child has a previously documented need. The office will be able to contact and relay any messages to us at the museum. Thank you for your support for this exciting event!

As you may have heard, for science we created mold terrariums as part of our study of decomposers and the matter cycle. This week we will be working with worms! I hope the students enjoy these concrete learning experiences. In ELA we are continuing to learn about advancements in scientific knowledge over time, specifically focusing on outer space, and in math, we will be learning all about VOLUME, mastering multiple representations of understanding.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions and thank you always for your support!

-Mrs. Shaw

Math Lesson-1-Family-Letter

ELA U5W2-Outline

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