Author Archives:

9/23 – 9/27/24

Hello Everyone,

Our School Cookie Dough and Jerky Fundraiser will continue through this Wednesday, September 25th. Thank you for all of your support! Also, this Friday is a Dollar Dress Down Day.

This week in math we will work to master using the standard algorithm for both long division and multi-digit multiplication. We build on these skills all year long and welcome at-home practice with IXL or a good old fashioned sheet of paper and two-three digit numbers for both operations. If tutoring for these skills will be helpful for your child, you will receive an email from me with more information.

In ELA, we are investigating the question “What are the positive and negative effects of new technology?” while learning more about an author’s claims and discerning their purpose in writing. At home, please encourage your child to read for 20 minutes every night and ask them about their book. It all adds up!

In science, we are learning about weathering and erosion and evidence of those processes in Earth’s features all around us. They may even point out some of that evidence to you!

Warm Regards,

Mrs. Shaw

9/16 – 9/20/24

Hello Families,

This week in math we will try to master the standard algorithm for multi-digit multiplication and begin learning how to carry out long division using the standard algorithm. These are complex skills, and can be challenging, but your student will use them all year long and into 6th grade and beyond. I can’t wait to do this hard work with them and see their growth! I would love for you to practice these skills at home with them!

In ELA, we will be finishing our study of plot development in fictional stories and the chronological structure of informational texts and we will be taking our first ELA assessment. Daily W.I.N. (What I Need) groups specifically geared to your child’s reading development have also begun.

In science, we are learning about water quality, and the distribution of water on Earth. Did you know that over 97% of the Earth’s water is found in the oceans as salt water, 2% is stored as fresh water in glaciers, ice caps, and snowy mountain ranges, and just 1% is available to us for our daily water supply needs? Hope your student will be able to tell you all about it!

Also, our School Cookie Dough Fundraiser begins today, Monday, September 16th, and runs through Wednesday, September 25th. Thank you in advance for your support!

-Mrs. Shaw

9/9 – 9/13/24

Hello again,

Our first full week of learning is ahead! It’s going to be a great one!

This week in math we will begin learning how to multiply multi-digit numbers using partial products as well as the standard algorithm. Tutoring sessions will also begin this week by invitation only. If your child could benefit from this extra time, you will receive an email from me with more details.

In ELA, we will be considering the question, “How do we get the things we need?” while we explore the plot of fictional stories and the chronological structure of informational texts.

In science, we are learning about the water cycle.

Also, another kind request to please pay $30 for your student’s supplies in the office or online here if you are able to contribute but haven’t yet done so.

Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Shaw

9/2 – 9/6/24


Hope everyone had a great long weekend! We’re jumping right back in!

This week in math we will master calculating the volume of rectangular prisms using the formulas volume=length x width x height and volume=area of the base x height. Students will test on this power standard on Friday. Tutoring sessions will be offered by invitation only beginning next week. If your child could benefit from this extra time, you will receive an email from me with more details.

In ELA, we will continue reading texts that focus on the question, “How can experiencing nature change the way you think about it?” I have encouraged the students to spend time outdoors reflecting on this question and enjoying fresh air and sunshine wherever possible.

In science, we are learning all about patterns in Earth’s features: exploring how earthquakes and volcanoes occur in bands that are often along the boundaries between continents and oceans while major mountain chains may be found inside continents or near their edges.

As a reminder, if you haven’t done so, please pay $30 for your student’s supplies in the office or online here. Thank you!

Looking forward to a great week,

Mrs. Shaw

8/26 – 8/30/24

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Here we go TEAM! What a wonderful first 3 days of school! I have loved getting to know your child a little more and seeing our class interact and come together. It’s going to be a great year!

A quick reminder for this week – Friday is a teacher-only work day, with NO SCHOOL for students.

This week we will complete our beginning of the year iReady diagnostics and Dibels testing. We will also jump into our 5th grade curriculum and start our first math and ELA lessons. Please contact me with any questions at all.

If you haven’t done so yet, and it’s feasible at this time, please pay your child’s $30 supply donation here.

Please also be sure you have completed the Family Survey and Food Permission Slip.

**Mark your calendar**

Picture Day – Wednesday, August 28th (uniforms required)

No School – Friday, August 30th (teacher-only work day)

No School – Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day)

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

Back to School! 8/21 – 8/23/24

Hello Team Shaw! I hope to see your student Wednesday morning at 8:25 am outside on the playground! Our class lines up closest to the brown PE shed.

If you haven’t had a chance, please do the following as soon as possible:

1. Subscribe to the class blog here.

2. Complete the Family Survey and Food Permission Slip (see “Family Info” on the header above).

3. Please consider paying a donation of $30 to help cover the cost of student supplies in the office or online here. Your contributions and support are greatly appreciated! Additional donations for field trips and class parties may be requested as their respective dates approach.

4. If your student is going to have school lunch, please make sure they have money in their lunch account here.

5. Please ensure that your student brings a reliable, durable pair of headphones (wired preferred) and a spill proof water bottle on the first day of school.

If for any reason your plans have changed and your student will no longer be attending Quest, please let me or the office know as soon as possible. Otherwise, I look forward to a great year together! 

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

May 13 – 17, 2024

Hello Families,

I’m so proud of our students’ hard work and determination, especially over the past week. Each and every one of them are giving their best effort, digging deep, and showing so much grit as they work through their RISE testing! Here are a few details and key dates you will want to make note of as we countdown to summer:

  • We are completing the second half of our RISE Testing this week. Please try to make sure students are at school and well rested. Thank you for your support!
  • Students will be working on a Biography Report and Speech in class this week. Each student has chosen a famous person who has had a positive influence and impact for good to research for this project and then to present in class in a wax museum on Wednesday morning, May 22nd. They should practice their speech (1 minute or less) at home over the weekend. On Monday, May 20th, students should bring their costumes for the wax museum to school. Please try to keep these simple! It is not necessary to spend money on an elaborate outfit. Look in closets at home and have students use their imagination to think of a way to adapt an outfit into a costume their famous person might have worn. Costumes will only be worn for the wax museum on the morning of May 22nd. Students are still required to wear their school uniform.
  • The Math/Science Olympiad will be held on Monday, May 20th, from 2:15-3:00 pm in the Q1 gym. If your student has been chosen to represent our class in the Olympiad, you will receive a separate email from me.
  • 5th grade Field Trip to The Ogden Junction – Tuesday, May 21st. Please see this form for more details, including lunch choices, and also be sure to fill out The Junction’s waiver here. Thank you to all of those who made this opportunity possible with your generous donations! Students will need to be dropped off at the Roy Frontrunner Station at 8:30 am and picked up there at 2:15 pm that day.
  • Wax Museum (in class) and Bounce Houses – Wednesday, May 22nd
  • School Talent Show – Thursday, May 23th, 9:50 am (Early out 1:20 pm)
  • Last Day of School (can you believe it?!) – Friday, May 24th (Early out 1:20 pm)

If you have any special things you would like me to write in/sign for the end of the year for your student, please let me know and I will be happy to do it. Please let me know if you have any questions. These kids are absolutely amazing! I love being their teacher!

Thank you always,
Mrs. Shaw

April 29 – May 3, 2024

Hello again Families,

We’re on the countdown now! I am so proud of your students’ courage and hard work as they dig deep and prepare to show what they know!

A few updates:

So far we have raised $120 of our $500 class goal for a special 5th Grade Field Day at The Ogden Junction. Thank you for your generosity if you have already made a donation. Our overall grade level goal is $2000 total, so we still need your help to make this happen! We are asking for a minimum contribution of $20 per student. Donations can be made in the office or with the following link: We are trying to raise the money for this incredible opportunity by this Friday, May 3rd. If we are unable to meet our goal, please rest assured that any donations will be used towards another engaging field day activity for our 5th graders.

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign this permission slip regarding RISE Testing, food items for End of Year instructional activities, and a waiver for other End of Year activities. As a reminder, students may also bring one snack from home for themselves (they may not share with their friends) each day during RISE Testing if desired.

As you know, we will be doing iReady Diagnostic and Acadience Reading Testing this week. RISE Testing will follow beginning next week. Again, please make sure that your students have a functioning pair of headphones in class, that they are getting enough sleep at home, eating a good breakfast, coming to school on time, and staying at school for the whole day.

Please note that the last day of library will be Tuesday, May 7th. Please check with your student to ensure that all of their library books have been returned by that day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

Please mark your calendar:

  • May 8, 2024 RISE Testing begins
  • May 17, 2024 RISE Testing ends
  • May 20, 2024 Math/Science Olympiad
  • May 24, 2024 Last Day of School

April 22 – 26, 2024


It’s go time! Next week we are beginning iReady Diagnostic and Acadience Reading Testing! We will also be working hard to review and prepare for the following week’s RISE testing (May 8th-10th and May 13th-17th)! Please check with your student to make sure they have a good, reliable, working pair of headphones. If not, please make sure they have some as soon as possible. They will need them everyday for the next few weeks!

During RISE Testing, we will be having 2 major testing sessions each day. Testing can be very demanding, so in between sessions students will be allowed to relax, listen to music, doodle, build puzzles, play board games, read, sleep—whatever they need to let their brain rest until the next testing session.

Thank you for your support from home: making sure students are getting enough sleep, eating a good breakfast, coming to school on time, and staying at school for the whole day. All of this helps with their success in showing the growth they have made this year. I am cheering for them! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Signing this permission slip will let me know that you are aware of the schedule and proceedings of RISE Testing and that you are giving your child permission to consume the food items listed as part of End of Year instructional activities. Students may also bring one snack from home for themselves (they may not share with their friends) each day during RISE Testing if desired. Finally, the permission slip also contains a waiver for other End of Year activities for which more details will be sent.

Thank you again,

Mrs. Shaw

Please mark your calendar:

  • Apr 26, 2024 Dollar Dress Down
  • April 29, 2024 iReady Diagnostic and Acadience Reading Testing begins
  • May 8, 2024 RISE Testing begins
  • May 17, 2024 RISE Testing ends
  • May 24, 2024 Last Day of School