5th Grade Field Day

Dear Parents and Families,

We hope this message finds you well. We have some exciting news about our upcoming 5th Grade Field Day at The Ogden Junction. Our students will have the incredible opportunity to enjoy activities such as iRock, iFly, FlowRider, and Bowling. It’s sure to be a day full of fun and memories for our children.

To make this event possible, we are asking for a minimum contribution of $20 per student. Our grade level goal is to raise $2,000 total, or approximately $500 per class. Your support will help cover the costs associated with these fantastic activities and ensure every child can participate.

In the event that we are unable to raise enough funds for the entire 5th grade to attend, rest assured that all money collected will be used towards another engaging field day activity for our 5th graders.

Your generosity and support are sincerely appreciated. Together, we can make this field day a memorable experience for our students. Thank you for being part of our school community and for your continued involvement in your child’s education.

Donations can be made in the office or with the following link: https://secureinstantpayments.com/sip/cart/event.php?EID=1468. Please make this donation for your student as soon as possible. More specific information will follow in the future.

Warm regards,
5th Grade Teachers

April 8 – 19, 2024

Hello 5th Grade Families,

I hope you had an amazing Spring Break! It’s hard to believe we are down to our last few weeks of school! They are some of our busiest weeks of the year. We are going to be putting our hard work to the test and practicing our growth mindset! Challenge is an adventure!

Please remember that the 5th grade maturation program is this Friday, April 12th. Parents, please make every effort possible to attend this program with your child. Your attendance is not required, but is highly encouraged. Girls’ instruction will begin at 8:35 am and boys’ will be at 9:30 am.

This week and next week in ELA, we are going to be learning about how different groups can contribute to a cause, studying heroic examples from World War II. We are also finishing our last math lesson and diving deeper into the world of geometry by learning about properties and relationships among categories of two-dimensional figures.

Math tutoring for the remainder of the year will be held by invitation only in order to maximize this learning time for those who need it most. If your child can benefit from this extra support, you will receive a separate email from me for specific tutoring sessions, otherwise at home IXL practice is always a welcome choice!

RISE testing will begin Wednesday, May 8th, and will continue through Friday, May 17th. Please check with your student to make sure they have a functioning, reliable set of headphones in class. If you are aware that your child is going to be missing learning time in the next few weeks, please let me know as soon as possible so that make-up resources can be prepared ahead of time.

Next Friday, April 19th, will be a bonus dollar dress down day. The junior high will also announce the future 6th grade student council representatives and cheer team that day. Best of luck to all of our candidates and teammates! We are so very proud of your courage and hard work.

Thank you so much for your continued support and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns,

Mrs. Shaw

March 18 – 29, 2024

Hello 5th Grade Families!

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Welcome to the 4th Quarter! I can’t believe the year has flown by so quickly. This class team is incredible and I’m so proud of their determination and hard work. They are growing leaps and bounds. We’re on the countdown to Spring Break (April 1st-5th) and we’re going to make the most of it!

This week and next, we will be doing RISE benchmark testing in ELA, science, and writing. I want our team to feel empowered, confident, and prepared to tackle the summative tests in May. This will be a great way to see how far we’ve come. Please check with your child and make sure they have good functioning headphones. If not, please replace them as soon as possible as we will use them everyday. Blue light glasses are also a welcome tool as well if you feel your child could benefit from them as well.

In math, we will be learning all about evaluating, writing, and interpreting expressions and the order of operations. There will be no math club (tutoring) this week or next as I have administrative meetings to attend. Please feel free to have students use IXL or, even better, help in the kitchen using fractions at home. Please also encourage those mighty minutes of reading every night! They do make a difference!

By way of announcement, there will be a mandatory 5th grade parent meeting next Wednesday, March 27th, at 4 pm, for all students interested in participating in student council next year at the Junior High. At this meeting, students will get an application. The application is due on Friday, March 29th. Those chosen to advance to the next round will be notified by the Junior High advisors. If for some reason a parent is unable to attend the meeting, or if you have any other questions regarding the election process, please email Ms. Emilia Cook at ecook@questac.org.

Next Friday, March 29th, is a Dollar Dress Down Day. It will also be the last day to order a yearbook.

Finally, please save the date for the 5th grade maturation program on Friday, April 12th, in the Q1 cafeteria. Girls will meet from 8:35-9:25 am and boys will meet from 9:30-10:20 am. Parents are encouraged to please make every effort possible to attend the maturation program with their child! A permission slip will be sent home with your child this week. Please sign and return it as soon as possible.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

March 11 – 15, 2024

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Hello Families,

Your students are working hard and I am so proud of the progress they are making! I hope they can keep shining bright, challenge themselves, and encourage their teammates along the way! Thank you for your support with take-home reading passages and math review homework as we begin to prepare for end of year testing. Please work with your student for a few brief minutes as needed on these topics and be sure to continue 20 minutes of reading everyday. It really does make a difference and consistency is key to their confidence!

This week, Math Club (tutoring) will be held Wednesday afternoon only immediately following school until 3:35 pm by invitation only please to best serve our teammates 🙂 Thank you again for your patience with my family emergency on Monday.

This week we will be working on making and interpreting line plots in math, analyzing argumentative text and citing specific details to support an author’s claims in ELA, and wrapping up our study of food webs and ecosystems in science. This week marks the end of 3rd term.

As you know, we will be having a lockdown drill this Thursday, March 14th, with the Weber County Sheriff’s office. I am choosing to focus on helping the students feel empowered by being prepared. Please contact the office or I if you have any questions regarding this drill.

This Friday, March 15th, is Spring Picture Day. Students are welcome to wear clothing of their choice for photos. Also, Friday evening from 6-8 pm is the POQA sponsored Daddy-Daughter Dance. The Mother-Son Dance will follow next Friday evening, March 22nd. Tickets for both events may be purchased in the office or by scanning the QR code below. Once again, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

End of February – March 1, 2024

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Hello! Hope everyone is enjoying their President’s Day! We’ve had a busy past few weeks, with more exciting things on the horizon.

Math tutoring will be held this Wednesday, February 21st, and next Monday, February 26th, only, immediately following school until 3:35 pm.

This Friday, February 23rd, is a Dollar-Dress Down Day. Please have your child bring a dollar unless you have already prepaid.

Next Wednesday, February 28th, is our field trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah. We are asking for a $5 donation for each student for this field trip. This can be paid at the office or online here. Please remember to pack a home lunch for your student unless you ordered a school lunch for them. If you would like to review the details of the field trip, they may be found on the permission slip here. Update from the museum: all lunches will be held in a designated space at the museum. No student backpacks are allowed in the museum exhibits. Students will wear their Quest school uniforms. Please make sure they are dressed appropriately for the weather. No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed on our field trip unless your child has a previously documented need. The office will be able to contact and relay any messages to us at the museum. Thank you for your support for this exciting event!

As you may have heard, for science we created mold terrariums as part of our study of decomposers and the matter cycle. This week we will be working with worms! I hope the students enjoy these concrete learning experiences. In ELA we are continuing to learn about advancements in scientific knowledge over time, specifically focusing on outer space, and in math, we will be learning all about VOLUME, mastering multiple representations of understanding.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions and thank you always for your support!

-Mrs. Shaw

Math Lesson-1-Family-Letter

ELA U5W2-Outline

February 12 – 16, 2024

collection of colored hearts isolated on white, best for romantic cards, invitations, prints on holidays

Hello Team!

Thank you so much for your continued support of our classroom and for encouraging your children to believe in themselves, respect others, and do their best!

We are looking forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day on Wednesday afternoon! Just as a reminder, if your child chooses to bring valentines to exchange (totally optional), please make sure they bring enough to share with all 26 students in the class. The valentines may be either non-food items or prepackaged store-bought treats. These treats will be sent home with students. They will not be eaten in class. Please do not have your child write who the valentines are to, just who they are from, in an effort to save time.  Students may bring a Valentine’s box or I will have a small bag for them to collect gifts/treats.

This week, we will be reviewing all fraction operations and RISE benchmark testing for these standards. In ELA, we will consider the question, “How does scientific knowledge change over time?” as we study different expository texts based on outer space. We will be working on argumentative writing and continuing our study of food webs in science.

Math Club (tutoring) will be held Monday and Wednesday afternoon immediately following school until 3:35 pm. If we discussed at-home practice or make-up work, please have your child aim for 15 minutes/day. Remember there will be no school next Monday, February 19th, for President’s Day.

Don’t forget…20 minutes of reading each night!

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

February 5 – 9, 2024

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Hello Families,

It was wonderful to see and meet with you this past week! Thank you for all you do to support your child and our awesome class community! This week we have TWO permission slips…one for Valentine’s Day and one for our field trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah on February 28th. Please be sure to review and sign both permission slips as soon as possible. Please note, we are asking for a donation of $5 per student and $10 per chaperone (if selected in a lottery) for the field trip. 

This week, we will be working on adding and subtracting decimals and fractions with unlike denominators in story problems. Finding a common denominator and carrying out these equations can be tricky and I’m proud of the hard work our class has done and will keep doing together! In ELA, we will consider the question, “How do you express something that is important to you?” and explore figurative language in poetry and how it contributes to themes. For science, we will continue to learn about the cycling of matter, focusing on producers and consumers within food chains. It will be a great, full week of learning! Please remember those magical 20 minutes of reading every day at home to continue to build their brain!

Also this week, Math Club (tutoring) will be held Monday and Wednesday afternoon immediately following school until 3:35 pm. If we discussed at-home practice or make-up work during conferences instead of in person tutoring during conferences, please have your child aim for 20 minutes/day of support work.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

January 29 – February 2, 2024

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Hello Everyone!

If you haven’t yet had a chance, please sign up here for our student-led Family-Teacher Conferences (held this Wednesday and Thursday). I look forward to meeting with each of you!

With conferences, there will be no tutoring this week. We have full days of school Monday and Tuesday and early out Wednesday and Thursday. There is no school this Friday, February 2nd. If your student needs extra math practice that would be a great day to catch up with the IXL lessons posted in the Google Classroom. Students know how to access these lessons.

This week, our young mathematicians will be learning how to subtract fractions with unlike denominators. It would be awesome to have them help out in the kitchen and get hands-on practice working with measurements in recipes. In ELA, students will continue reading about making discoveries and visualizing as a reading comprehension strategy. In science they will be learning more about the cycling of matter, specifically plant growth.

As always, please encourage your student to read at home–at least 20 minutes every night!

See you soon,
Mrs. Shaw