Quest Under the Stars: Destination Mars

Destination Mars Flyer 11 x 8.5.png

You are all invited to Quest Under the Stars: Destination MARS! on Friday, May 19th, from 5:00-7:00pm in the Q2 Gym. Students and their families will have a chance to talk to the astronaut one-on-one, ask questions, and get a picture taken with him. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many of our students will include the chance to:

  • Ask questions of a real astronaut
  • Get a picture taken
  • Learn about his mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope
  • Take on astronaut training challenges
  • Feel how much you would weigh on Mars
  • Build a Mars habitat
  • Go on a space walk in a spacesuit and use radios to communicate with mission control
  • Find signs of life on Mars
  • Eat some astronaut food and put together an astronaut menu
  • Even test your luck surviving an asteroid impact

Could you be the next astronaut to go to space?

May 1 – 5, 2023

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Hello Team!

State RISE testing begins first thing Monday morning. Please make sure your child is well rested and has a nutritious breakfast each day this week. I can’t wait to see them shine!

Between testing sessions, students may also eat a snack from home. Each day they may bring 1 snack from home for themselves (they may not share this with their friends). No drinks other than water in the classroom though, please. If you haven’t yet had a chance, please see the food items/treats that I may also provide for them on this permission slip.

This week, students will also be choosing a state to research, create a float for, and give a short presentation about in class. Research will primarily be done at school, and floats should be made at home. Floats are optional. They need not be time consuming or extravagant and should be student-led in creation. The more student creativity and ownership for this project, the better! Reports will be due Monday, May 15th, and state floats will be presented the morning of Friday, May 19th. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you, always, for your support!

Mrs. Shaw

April 17 – 21, 2023

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Welcome to another week! 

Spring pictures will be taken this Tuesday, April 18th. Please make sure you have signed the Google form Ms. Stephanie sent out last week if your student is getting their picture taken. A copy of this information is also included at the bottom of this message. A flyer will be sent home with your student regarding purchase information. In conjunction with spring pictures, Tuesday will also be a free dress down day.

Math Club (tutoring) will be held Thursday only from 3:20-3:45 pm this week as I have another teaching commitment on Tuesday morning.

This week we are swinging into full review mode and preparing these amazing kids for end-of-year testing! Wherever possible, please make sure to keep absences and early check-outs to a minimum. We want to give students every possible chance to review with the class before testing begins.

Also, please check with your student to make sure they still have a reliable, working pair of headphones. Good headphones are the responsibility of the student and their families. Students need good headphones for review and for testing.

Our class has finished the book “City of Ember” and this Friday, April 21st, we will be watching the movie. This will allow us to compare and contrast the book with the movie and create an opportunity for meaningful discussion of the book’s theme. The movie is rated PG, so it will require your signature on the permission slip HERE, as soon as possible, please. I will have popcorn for the students. I am also allowing the students to bring a snack from home if they would like.

Lastly, I have attached information for some fun and educational 4-H summer camps happening in our community.

Thank you so much for your continued support and, as always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Shaw  

Please mark your calendar:

Apr 18, 2023 Spring Pictures and Free Dress Down Day

Apr 28, 2023 Dollar Dress Down

May 1, 2023 RISE Testing begins

May 25, 2023 Early Out

May 26, 2023 Early Out, Last Day of School

March 20 – 24, 2023

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5th Grade Families,

Welcome to the 4th Quarter!

It’s so hard to believe just how fast this year has gone by already! Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21st, students are encouraged to wear mismatched socks to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Also, this Friday is the 5th Grade Maturation Instruction held in the Q1 cafeteria. Girls will meet from 8:40-9:40 am and boys will meet from 9:45-10:40 am. Parents are welcome and encouraged to please attend! If you still need to, please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible. 

This week in math, we will learn about analyzing patterns and relationships as well as learning how to describe the relationship between two number patterns. In ELA, we are considering the question, “How do shared experiences help people to adapt to change?” 

Thank you for your support,
Mrs. Shaw

Please mark your calendar:
March 20, 2023      4th Quarter begins
March 21, 2023       World Down Syndrome Day
March 31, 2023      Dollar Dress Down
April 3-7, 2023        Spring Break

March 13 – 17, 2023

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Hello Team,

Just a reminder that the 5th grade maturation program will be held Friday, March 24th in the Q1 cafeteria. Girls will meet from 8:40-9:40 am and boys will meet from 9:45-10:40 am. Parents are welcome and encouraged to please attend! If you haven’t yet, please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible.

This week math club (tutoring) will be held Tuesday morning at 8 am and Thursday after school until 3:45 pm. We will be learning all about evaluating, writing, and interpreting expressions in math and the order of operations. In ELA, we are starting our final unit and considering the question, “What experiences can change the way you see yourself and the world around you?”. We will also be finishing up our study of Earth’s features in science . We are certainly learning, growing, and working hard every day!

Thank you always for your support,

Mrs. Shaw


February 27 – March 3, 2023

Hello again everyone!

On Tuesday, March 7th, we are going on a field trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah. Please sign the field trip permission slip here as soon as possible ! If you would like to volunteer as a chaperone, please also indicate that on the form and you will be notified if you are a lucky winner. We are excited for this opportunity!

Next Friday, March 3rd, there is a Daddy-Daughter Dance being held at the school. A Mother-Son Dance will follow on Friday, March 10th. The flyers and more details for these fun events are included below!

Next Friday is also the deadline for Student Council applications. I have extra paper packets if anyone needs them. If your student is interested, they will need to complete this Google form in addition to the paper packet. I’m cheering for them!

Also next Friday, in celebration of Dr. Suess’s birthday, students are invited to either dress as a Dr. Suess character or wear a Dr. Suess themed shirt.

Finally, today I sent home a permission slip for maturation instruction that will need to be signed and returned please. This instruction will be held on March 24th in the lunchroom, from 8:40-9:40 am for girls and 9:45-10:45 am for boys. We would love for you to please attend with your child wherever possible.

Next week we will be studying (and hopefully writing some of our own) poetry while asking the question, “How do you express that something is important to you?” We will also be learning about converting measurements in math. In science, we are continuing our study of Earth’s systems and engineering solutions to lessen the impact of natural disasters.

Phew, we made it! Thank you for everything you do! Hope you have a great weekend!
-Mrs. Shaw


December 5 – 9, 2022

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Thank you again to everyone who helped with our field trip to the zoo last week! We had an amazing time! It was definitely a highlight of the year so far!

Please watch your email inbox this week for the details and permission slip for our Christmas party on Friday, December 16th. Can’t wait!

This week we will continue our study of food webs in science. In math, we are going to be multiplying fractions so that we can better work with measurements. In ELA, we will be considering the question, “How can learning about nature be useful?” and in social studies, we are learning more about the Thirteen Colonies. Please remember to have your student read every night for 20 minutes and fill out the Homework Form to qualify for a special prize in January!

Tutoring this week will be held Tuesday morning at 8 am and Thursday after school until 3:45 pm.

I hope everyone has a chance to get outside and play in the snow and have some fun! Let’s have a great week!

-Mrs. Shaw