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General Policies and Procedures:


Mr. Tuttle’s Contact Information: email: stuttle@questac.org blog:http://qacblogs.org/shane.tuttle Please subscribe to my blog. I will communicate most of the information regarding upcoming assignments and requirements through my blog. To subscribe, click the link on the far right column that says, “Please subscribe to this blog to keep up on assignments. Subscribe to Mr. Tuttle’s Blog by Email” Be sure to confirm subscription through the link in your email.

Parent/Guardian Email: Please be sure to update your email address in SIS. I like to be able to contact parents/guardians by email.

Student Blogs/Internet use: Students may be asked to access the Internet at home as well as at school to complete certain tasks. Those students without internet access at home may contact your local public library (branch) to schedule free access to the internet at that branch or come before or after school to take advantage of the school’s computer labs. The sites we access at school or give to the student to access at home have been previously checked for appropriateness. Any additional websites must be previewed by you, the parent, to ensure it is appropriate for moral, academic, and safety value.

School Calendar: Please be sure to check the school calendar for “Early” days and “No School” days. Early Day dismissal is 1:00 p.m. You can obtain a copy of the calendar from the Quest Academy website.

Grading of Student Work: You may access the student’s scores and grades online through the online Grade Book which can be accessed through the link on the Quest webpage (www.questac.org) under the “For Parents” tab. I will update grades in the grade book on a regular basis, at least once weekly on Friday. If your student has an M, then the assignment is missing. If you have any questions about your student’s grades, feel free to contact me.

Students receive points for participation in the activities of the class. Since these points are earned on a daily basis, they make up a large portion of the final grade in the class. Consistent daily participation is an important way to ensure a good grade in this class.

Due Dates: Students are required to turn in all work on time. See late work for assignments turned in late.

Late Work: Late homework will be accepted no later than 5 school days after the due date. Each day that it is late, it will be docked 10% of the earned score. On the 5th school day past the due date, it will be worth no more than 50%.

When students are absent, they will have the same amount of school days to make up work, as they were absent (i.e. if you were absent 2 days, you have 2 days to turn in work for full credit). Special arrangements will be made for long- term excused absences.

Assignments and Absent Students: Students are responsible to ask for their own missing work. They must approach me to find out about any work they missed. I will not call for them. Missed assignments must be done at home. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact me to make arrangements for make-up work. See late-work policy for time allotted to make up work after an absence.

Additional Help from the Teacher: For additional assistance, the Junior High runs a tutoring lab Monday-Thursday immediately after school until 3:30. Students must be picked up by 3:30 as teachers need time to plan so they can leave to be with their families.

Parent Handbook: Beyond the policies and procedures for my classroom, all students and parents must adhere to the instructions contained in the parent handbook. http://www.questac.org/?page_id=42







In-Class Policies and Procedures:

Hall Passes: Each student will receive 4 hall passes for each class at the beginning of each term. These hall passes may be used during class when a student needs to use the restroom or get a drink. (If the student needs to leave for other reasons, I will determine based on their reason for going whether a hall pass should be required.) Hall passes may also be used if a student is a couple of minutes late to class. (See “Tardies” for late arrivals beyond a couple of minutes.) Students who wish to use a hall pass to leave the classroom must first ask permission before leaving. (I may ask a student to wait until I finish giving instructions or similar before leaving.)

In the case of an emergency (i.e. urge to vomit) students should NOT wait to be excused, but should address the emergency first and then explain when they return to the classroom after the emergency has been dealt with.

Any extra hall passes left at the end of the term can be used as two points extra credit per pass the appropriate classes.

Tardies: Students who are tardy (not inside my classroom before the bell rings) must go down to the office to receive a late slip or must forfeit one of their hall pass tickets. If a student arrives more than 5 minutes after the tardy bell, they must go down and get a late slip. Three late slips in any of their classes will result in a lunch detention.


Class work/Homework Assignments: Students will be expected to be responsible for completing and turning in all class work, homework assignments, and any projects on time. Students are expected to be prepared with all their materials. Students will not be allowed to call home if they forget their work. Homework will vary with lessons. I will call for assignments only one time.

Identification of Work: Include all of the following: Student name (first and last), teacher, date, and assignment title, as applicable, are required on each assignment that is to be turned in.

If a student fails to put his/her name on the assignment, that student will receive a zero (0) for a score on that assignment until it can be identified. If the problem becomes repetitive for a student, I will begin docking points from assignments without the appropriate identification.

Food/Drink in class: No food will be allowed in class; unless a physician’s signed medical release is brought in to keep on file. This includes cough drops. There is no gum or candy anywhere on campus before, during, or after school.

No drinks, other than water, will be allowed in class. Water containers will need to have a sealable lid.

Any student not in compliance will receive a violation slip and may be required to call home to request a change of clothing. Three violation slips with result in a lunch detention.

Attitude of Respect: Always address and refer to adults, other students, and yourself using polite and positive speech. Rudeness and bullying will not be tolerated. If you feel anger in a situation, remove yourself from the situation (both person and place) and immediately seek teacher or other adult help.

Rules, Consequences, and Rewards: My class will follow the same rules that are required throughout the entire school. (See Parent handbook for specific rules and consequences.)

Students receive points for participation in the activities of the class. Since many assignments will take us several class periods to finish, their daily participation scores are an important way for me to monitor their progress on assignments and keep them on track to finish when the assignments are due. Since these points are earned on a daily basis, they make up a large majority of the final grade in the class. Consistent daily participation is the best way to ensure a good grade in this class.   Natural talent is not required to excel in this class. Do your best and participate and you will do well in this class.

Uniform Policy: See Parent Handbook. Please be sure your student is in compliance with the school uniform policy. Any student not in compliance will receive a violation slip and may be required to call home to request a change of clothing. Three violation slips with result in a lunch detention.

6th-9th Grading Scale

A             100%-87%           The student demonstrates mastery of the standard (can apply and


B             86%-80%             The student demonstrates proficiency of the standard.

C             79%-70%             The student is approaching proficiency.

D             69%-51%              The student is well below proficiency.

F             > 50%                    The student does not attempt to meet the standard.



Understanding where students are in relation to mastery of Common Core standards helps teachers and parents know if students need additional help, if students are proficient, or if students need further enrichment. At Quest Academy, students grades are determined by student performance on various grade level assessments. Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery and proficiency of standards. For example, if a student receives a below proficiency score, he/she will not only be retaught, but will also have the opportunity to raise his/her score by retaking the assessment multiple times throughout the term. We are excited for the implementation of this model and for the opportunities that will be offered our students for academic growth.



Classroom Supplies: It is important that your child have all his/her classroom supplies. Class supply lists are provided online at the individual teachers’ blogs. These can be accessed by going to www.questacademycharter.org, clicking on the “Faculty & Staff” tab, selecting “Faculty grades 6-9”. My blog can be found at: www.qacblogs.org/shane.tuttle


These Rules and Guidelines are subject to change as required by the needs of the class. Any changes will be updated on my blogwww.qacblogs.org/shane.tuttle

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