January 7-11

We are wrapping up the end of quarter 2 which means we will be doing some mid-year testing.  Starting this Monday morning we will be Dibels testing, so please make sure that your child is reading at home and getting plenty of sleep! I’m excited to see how they do because I have seen so much growth here at school. Thanks for helping them at home.

Important Dates: 
Monday 1/7 – Dibels Testing 
Tuesday 1/8 – Dibels Testing and Library *Find those books!!
Friday 1/11 – Early out
**This is the last week to try to master addition and subtraction facts on REFLEX! I will set all students to multiplication starting in 3rd quarter. 

Math in Class
We will be working on multiplication and division word problems for the next couple of weeks.   
Language Arts in Class
We are still working on main idea using key details this week with our story, “Earth” and our essential question is: What do we know about Earth and its neighbors? 

Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. *January Logs will be sent home Wednesday 1/2.  Make sure that your child is doing REFLEX for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete RELEX at home they will complete it during recess time.