This week’s happenings
Tuesday – Library, Please remember your book!
Friday – Math Test & *Dollar Dress Down Day to support the Quest Junior High to get to the National Rube Goldberg Competition in Indiana.
**Multiplication Madness is going well. All the students will have a daily opportunity to pass off any facts that they haven’t mastered yet. We will focus on 6’s & 7’s this week. Your students need to be able to pass of their multiplication facts 0-12 by March 28th. If you have any questions, read the post from a few months ago with all the details. Thanks for all your hard work at home!!!
**Keep practicing poems as well**
Upcoming Dates
March 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5 – Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip, Front runner 8:15-4:15 *Please pay $5 for your child if you haven’t already.
May 16, Thurs. – Class Play
Math in Class
We will be starting our unit on TIME. Students need to be able to read an analog clock to tell time to the nearest minute. Please look for the family letter to come home Monday. Next week we will be learning about Elapsed time. This is a hard concept for students, so anytime you can talk about Elapsed time during a conversation, it would greatly help!