Wednesday, March 18 Meeting

We are having some technical difficulties with our recordings from today. For some reason they won’t download. Therefore, I have made notes of what we went over today in hopes that your student can still complete the work even though they weren’t able to attend live. Thank you for your patience. Please don’t hesitate to email or bloomz a message if you have any questions. I am here to help. 

*please note that anything in blue  is a link to that website. If you have any problems, you can check the student links on the Quest website. 

Reading:  We talked about words that have more than one syllable. This week’s packet is the one with spelling words “pencil, letter, magnet”. Find the paper with a list of words and 2 sentences at the bottom 

  • Read the 2 sentences.
  • Underline the words with more than 1 syllable. 
  • Draw a line between the 2 syllables in each word on the list. (example: nap/kin)

Complete the following online: 

I-ready Reading (clever) = 15 minutes

Wonders = Assignments

Read a book = 20 minutes. 

Math: We used strategies to add several 2 digit numbers. 

Click here for a self check. Then complete the following: 

I-ready math (clever) = 15 minutes

Reflex = green light

Thank you for all that you are doing at home.