- This Week’s Happenings:
- Mon: Library – Remember books!
- Thurs: Character Ed – Organization
- Fri: $1 dress down, Early Release 1:00

Announcements: Book fair link – https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/questrams, https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/assetuploads/S21-ES-case-booklist.html
Reading in Class
- The essential question is: “How does the earth change?“
- Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect.
- We will introduce r-Controlled Vowels er, ir, ur, or in our spelling words: clerk, herd, first, skirt, stir, churn, hurt, burst, work, worse Review: know, wrist, found, from, today
- Our Vocabulary words are: active, earth, explode, island, local, properties, solid, sleep
- Math in Class
- We will be learning to solve one-step word problems by adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.
Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!)
*Please ask your child about their stories they can read for a reward. Students are welcome to read their decodables and Friday stories from class. If they read it 3 times with you, please sign it and have them bring it back for class money. *
Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.