- This Week’s Happenings:
- Jan. 17 – No School (Martin Luther King Jr.)
- Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
- Fri: Spirit Shirts. Early Release @1:00.
- Other Important Dates
- Feb. 2 & 3 – Early out (Parent Teacher Conferences, more info. to come)
- Feb. 4 – No School (Teacher Professional Development)
Sign ups for parent teacher conferences are posted on bloomz. I would love to meet with every students’ parents to go over their progress and their goals. Here is the link to bloomz. https://www.bloomz.com/. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Reading in Class

Math in Class:
We are using the strategies that we have learned thus far and using them to add and subtract 3-digit numbers.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!)
**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the January reading log as you go.