Feb. 13-17

  • This Week’s Happenings:
  • Tue:Library Day Valentine Exchange 2:30-3:00
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts. Early Release Day 1:20
  • Upcoming Dates:
  • Monday, Feb. 20 – No School – Presidents Day

Valentine Exchange:

  • We will have a Valentine exchange for the students. If you child chooses to participate, please make sure they bring enough Valentines for every student. Please do not have your child write who the cards are to, just who they are from. It is very time consuming when passing them out. We have 26 students in our class. Students can decorate a Valentine box, or something similar, to bring in on that day. I will have a bag to give to students who do not bring a box from home. Students are able to hand out small, prepackaged treats. These treats will be sent home with students and are not to be eaten in class. Students will have to have a permission form filled out by parents to receive treats from their classmates. **Please keep in mind while buying treats, we have a student with SEVERE peanut allergies.
  • Valentine Permission Form

Reading in Class:

  • The essential question is: What excites us about nature?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Visualize to read and comprehend poems.
  • Spelling Pattern: r-controlled (ere, ear, air, are)

Math in Class: Word problems with money. -We will be testing our money skills on Monday. Then we will start time on Wednesday. Please help your students with reading an analog clock. This can be a very hard concept for them. Students need to be able to tell and write time on an analog clock to the nearest 5 minutes. See the letter below.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home decodables each Friday in their green folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.