We have been granted a scholarship to attend a field trip to the Ancient Life Museum at Thanksgiving Point! We will be riding the Frontrunner and will need as many chaperones as we can get! Students must be at the train station at 8:00am. Teachers will be at the train station at 7:45am. Our train leaves at 8:15am and returns at 2:45pm from the Roy Frontrunner station. Students must be picked up from the FrontRunner station at 2:45pm. The train ticket fees are included for everyone. We are allotted 6 paid chaperones per class. The fee for the exhibit is $6 for chaperones after our allotted fees. You would just need to pay the office the $6. If you can chaperone we would be very grateful and appreciative!
Please fill out the google form: https://forms.gle/M3APVmXhruCyo38YA

STEEM Project
We will be doing a fun STEM activity based on the book “Ricky the Rock That Couldn’t Roll”. Please send a small flat rock to school with your child by May 6th. The rock should be big enough to draw a face on and fit well in your child’s hand.