- This Week – BRING A Small Flat rock For STEEM
- Tuesday: Library Day -All books are Due – no check outs
- Thursday: Math testing (please do not check students out before 3:00!)
- Friday: Spirit Shirts – Early Release 1:10
- Week of May 13 – Math & Reading Diagnostic. April/May reading log due.
- Friday, May 17. – Final class store
- Tues., May 21 – Field Trip to The Ancient Life Museum – Please fill out the google form: https://forms.gle/M3APVmXhruCyo38YA –
- Weds., May 22 – Field Day (Dress Down)
- Thurs., May 23 – Year Books & Early release 1:10
- Fri., May 24 – Last Day of School – Early release 1:10
Ancient Life Field Trip – May 21: Drop your student off at the Roy Frontrunner station by 8:00am. Teachers will be at the train station at 7:45am. Our train leaves at 8:15am and we will be traveling to the Lehi Station. We will return to the Roy frontrunner station at 2:45pm. Students must be picked up from the FrontRunner station at 2:45pm. The train ticket fees are included for everyone. We are allotted 6 paid chaperones per class. The fee for the exhibit is $6 for chaperones after our allotted fees. You would just need to pay the office the $6. If you can chaperone, we would be very grateful and appreciative!
Reading in Class: We are learning about myths through a drama. PHONICS: We are learning how to identify the vowel team syllable.

Math in Class: We will be reviewing and preparing for our math acadience test, which is Thursday, May 9. Here are some things that might be covered on the test. Feel free to practice at home.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :
**Please read with your child. Your child should be reading 20 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week. Consider using the short stories that were sent home in the reading packet to read and reread. As your child reads each night, they can color in the picture. The April / May coloring page can be turned in the week of May 13, and they will receive class money to spend at our final Class store on May 17.
DECODABLE STORIES: Your child should be bringing home stories each Friday in their orange folders. Your child can read these stories and return them for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back.