We finished all our DIBELS testing last week, and the kids did amazing!! Most of the kids finished their first session of the Language Arts RISE test. We will have a make-up day sometime this week to finish the second session, so please make sure your child is here everyday!
Class Play
Costumes for our play are due this Tuesday!! Dress rehearsal will be Wednesday, May 15 @ 9:00am. We will be performing the play for the school on Thursday, May 16 @ 2:00. Parents are invited to either performance. The play is about 45 minutes long. Please let me know if you have any questions. The kids are so excited to perform for you!!!
This Week’s Happenings
Tuesday – Costumes are due
Wednesday- Dress Rehearsal 9:00
Thursday-Play performance 2:00
Upcoming Dates
May 20 – RISE testing – Math 9:30-10:15
May 23 – RISE testing – Math 8:45-9:30
May 29- Field Day @ the park. Please turn your permission slips in.***
Math in class
We will be learning about graphs and line plots. This is the last week that we will be doubling up on lessons before testing begins. Please watch for the family letter to come home and talk to your child about it. We have been moving so quickly and I know talking about it at home really helps the kids understand it a little better.
MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week. ***Even though our Multiplication Madness is over, please continue to review facts to maintain the fluency that has been developed*** If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log.